
Your Social Marketing is USELESS without this…

Real Estate Agent with Fill-In-The-Blanks PDF Flyer Templates


king-of-spades-contentThere is a new term being thrown around business in the past few years...

It's called "CONTENT MARKETING"... 

Let's break down each word and how this pertains to your real estate business and how without CONTENT MARKETING your social media marketing efforts are practically useless...

CONTENT (n): is information and experiences that may provide value for an end-user/audience in specific contexts.
Marketing (n): is the process by which companies determine what products or services may be of interest to customers, and the strategy to use in sales, communications and business development. It is an integrated process through which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.

The key word here is "VALUE."

Content Marketing is the strategy of providing "VALUE" to your prospects through your knowledge, wisdom, and experiences. The ability to communicate your knowledge, expertise, experiences, and wisdom is what is "VALUABLE" to your prospects.

With the majority of people plugged-into the internet the distribution of your valuable content is even easier than ever before!!! Blogs, forums, articles, social networks, facebook fan pages, and even twitter pages are all readily available vehicles for communicating value.

If you think that by simply having a blog or a twitter account you are "magically" going to generate business and listings??? NO WAY... You are so far lost!

Take the position of the prospect...

“what's so "good" or "valuable" about you that would provoke me to call or email you for help selling my home???”


"What do you offer that is so compelling and different from John or Jane Smith Realtor?? "

The next problem is that you probably will now just bullet point everything that makes "YOU" a good agent... not a good move.

The problem there is it is too much selling "YOU" than selling "YOUR EXPERTISE, KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM... "

When we create high valued content, we display our expertise and experience in the industry; consequentially, branding us different from the rest.

Having a professional in your corner who is the expert in the industry is HIGHLY VALUED!

It’s like having Mickey Goldmill (ref: Rocky 1-2 the movie) in your corner if you were a boxer… He’s old, he’s frail… but he’s full of expertise and wisdom… how he trains Rocky by words, is how you should train your clients/prospects by email, articles, and blog posts.

How do you market yourself as an expert?? HIGH VALUED CONTENT!!!

Here are some starting points to consider when writing valuable content:

  • Write case studies of previous transactions that were difficult or challenging. Highlight how you negotiated the pitfalls and successfully closed the transaction(s).
  • Review and express your professional opinion and projections of the current market climate. Is it a good time to buy, look, or sell?
  • Publicly answer good real client questions (ask for permission first)… good Q&A is golden!
  • Write about the process of a transaction and advise what to prepare for and how to prepare.
  • Discuss how finance companies determine loan qualifications… should I be leasing a car right now? If so, will that effect my loan amount approval?

Take an "advisory" role to your blogs, tweets, and articles and link them back to your posts.

Sometimes writing about the simplest questions is all you need to create high value.

Use less of an advertisement tone... frankly; don't talk about you at ALL!

Here are some of the benefits of sitting down and putting a little bit of effort into your online content marketing:

  • Your prospects will automatically perceive you as an authority.
  • Rare that someone in your area is doing the same thing... less competition on your part.
  • Your article or post will live forever in online space... a prospect 10 years from now might read it and still have the same value effect.
  • Other people will find your post useful or valuable and might possibly re-post or redistribute your article to their viewers thus spreading your presence. (This will happen to this post... watch)
  • If your article gets referenced on a major media outlet, you'll be famous and can leverage that exposure as a marketing point to your clients. "As seen on CNN" or something to that effect.

Create killer content... because killer content is king!

Before you know it, you’ll have droves of people asking you to help sell their listings or buy their next home.


I hope this helps!






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Ceci Burklow
Pride of Texas Real Estate - Austin, TX

Love Love Love the "Content" in your post! 

Great advice I plan to follow.  You have a definite gift in illustrating your chosen topic to be easy to relate to/understand/impliment.

May 29, 2010 12:03 PM
Karen Otto
Home Star Staging - Plano, TX
Plano Home Staging, Dallas Home Staging,

I'm of the mentality you've got to give more than you expect to get Reuben.  There really is nothing new under the sun and really setting your self apart by becoming the "go to" person in your field, no matter what it is and how large or small your market, is the best way to build a consistent customer base. It's one of the reason I teach a class at my local college on what I do as a home staging professional. Good post!

May 29, 2010 01:30 PM
Gene Riemenschneider
Home Point Real Estate - Brentwood, CA
Turning Houses into Homes

Good post.  Sometimes it seems like you can get so busy the content suffers.

May 29, 2010 04:59 PM
Christine Donovan
Donovan Blatt Realty - Costa Mesa, CA
Broker/Attorney 714-319-9751 DRE01267479 - Costa M

Reuben - This is a good reminder that we need to be creating good content.  You've caused me to think of a few posts I need to write.

May 29, 2010 07:36 PM
Margo Marshall
Re/Max Specialists - Jacksonville, FL

Yes- it is all about giving value to our customers-  great content- ongoing education.  Unfortunately , we see too many Realtors driven by their ego- too much image advertising and no content.  Our world is changing and real estate is at the front- great artivle Reuben!

May 30, 2010 01:38 AM
Rich Cederberg
eXp Realty - Albuquerque, NM
eXp Realty Agent Albuquerque

Creating content on a daily basis and just posting to FB and twitter is so time consuming that sometimes we lose sight of our goals. Thanks for the inspiring post.

May 30, 2010 03:42 AM
Kate Wheeler
Country Homes and Land Murphy NC Realtor - Murphy, NC
CCIM - Murphy NC Real Estate for Sale

Reuben - Excellent suggestions for posts that will really offer something useful to the public. 

May 30, 2010 07:15 AM
Reuben Fine
Fill-In-The-Blanks PDF Flyer Templates - Rossmoor, CA

Thanks for the great feedback everyone!=)


May 30, 2010 07:45 AM
Greg Cook

Reuben, If content is King then "Context" is certainly Queen. So much of what our potential clients see/hear is from most sources (TV, Internet, Press) is the view from 30,000 feet.

We can show our knowledge and expertise by taking this information and making it hyper-local. How does all this information apply to our local market and how we can help them decipher it to make the best decision for them is how we will be perceived as the "local expert"

Great job!

May 31, 2010 02:57 AM
Mike Henderson
Your complete source for buying HUD homes - Littleton, CO
HUD Home Hub - 303-949-5848

Great post.  I'm just now starting to do this rather than writing just what pops into my mind.

Jun 01, 2010 04:20 PM
Reuben Fine
Fill-In-The-Blanks PDF Flyer Templates - Rossmoor, CA

Thanks for the comments...


Greg- YES YES YES !!!! CONTEXT IS QUEEN!!! Great point.


Janet - thank you!


Reuben - Flyers so easy we called them "Turn-Key"



Jun 02, 2010 11:58 AM
Harrison K. Long
HomeSmart, Evergreen Realty - Irvine, CA
REALTOR , GRI, Broker associate, Attorney

Reuben ... Thanks for this good post and reminder that content marketing is mandatory strategy for us to provide value to our prospects and customers.  I like what you said about knowledge, wisdom, and experiences and that one's ability to communicate knowledge, expertise, experiences, and wisdom is what is valuable. 

Jun 03, 2010 07:27 PM
Sherri Lynn Smith

Nice Job!  Very Informative.  Have been in the business since 2008, as a newer agent always looking for ways to get potential clients to call me and as in all areas competition is very tough.  I have seen some agents tout their success instead of getting to the meat of it.    It has been working for me let them do it!

Jun 04, 2010 09:24 AM
Reuben Fine
Fill-In-The-Blanks PDF Flyer Templates - Rossmoor, CA

Thank you Harrison and Sherri!

Jun 04, 2010 07:20 PM
Wayne B. Pruner
Oregon First - Tigard, OR
Tigard Oregon Homes for Sale, Realtor, GRI

Thanks Reuben. You have a lot of good advice here.

Jul 01, 2010 04:42 PM
Sharon Alters
Coldwell Banker Vanguard Realty - 904-673-2308 - Fleming Island, FL
Realtor - Homes for Sale Fleming Island FL

Reuben, the business we have received from blogging has definitely been because of our content and the perception that we are experts in our area!


Jun 05, 2012 02:39 PM
Ray Stockwell
ZipperAgent - Boston, MA
Director of Marketing


This is really great.  Thanks!!



Oct 25, 2012 02:40 AM
Reuben Fine
Fill-In-The-Blanks PDF Flyer Templates - Rossmoor, CA

Tigard -- thank you

Frank & Sheron -- Perception is reality!

Ray -- thanks!

Oct 25, 2012 02:57 AM
Evelyn Kennedy
Alain Pinel Realtors - Alameda, CA
Alameda, Real Estate, Alameda, CA


This is such good information.  Writing about difficult transaction and how they were finally closed is a great idea.  So is the other information in this post.

Nov 17, 2012 02:26 AM
Beth and Richard Witt
New York, NY
The best Retired Brokers !!!!

Hi Reuben... just found this great post full of very helpful information... Thanks

May 09, 2013 03:32 AM