More than twelve years ago, I won my first award for "search engine optimization". I began accumulating "Editor's Choice" awards before anyone ever called it, "SEO'. There were no .html books at Amazon, and no web building seminars, or classes at the local community college. I just read everything I could find, and tried to ask a lot of questions. It was the "Wild West Era" of the web, they said. There were no limits to what I could do!
I talked to some of developers of the earliest search engines on the WWW, names that are now almost forgotten, like Thunderstone, Alta Vista, and Webcrawler. They turned out to be the most generous, helpful human beings I'd ever run across. They were idealistic pioneers, that gave ordinary citizens the tools for transparency in government, commerce, and media. I listened. My coloring book site,, had over 1.5 million page views a month, and I'd not even spent a dime on print media to do it.
Then, the world decided to make money from the web, and write books, create curriculums, and claim thousands of domains. There was a fortune to be made! They'd just use the same methods from the print world, and take over from, "everyman" out there. As innovation and openness was being pushed against the wall, you could see the big money interests squeeze everything into "big money only" models. If money could be made, they would take it all, and move out the "little guys". Oh, dear. Now you had to have quite a budget, because the early development stage of the Net was over. Or perhaps, it just went sideways.
Are you ready to use new information and communication pathways from today's social media? Want to be a part of the world that rewards hard work, and succeeds by helping others? Would you like your "honest handshake" to become as easily recognized on the web, as it is by your neighbors?
Then come to RainCamp. Learn how your thoughts are just a Twitter way from being shared with like-minded individuals worldwide. What's more, you'll see how intentions can't hide from being amplified, and multiplied, across the net. The deep pocket marketers can't ride this wild horse. You're about to be discovered; then shared, and shared, and shared again.
RainCamp. See it as learning how to ride together towards a New Horizon.