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Ayer, MA Home Prices Up, Sales Down Q1

Real Estate Agent with Buyers Brokers Only, LLC

The median price of single-family homes in Ayer, Massachusetts increased by nearly 14 percent in the first quarter of 2010 after two years of price declines, according to data compiled from MLS Property Information Network, Inc., the local multiple listing service.

In the first quarter of 2010 the median price of single-family homes in Ayer, MA increased by 13.99 percent, or $42,115, a dramatic change after two years of median price decline.

Although median price was up, single-family home sales dropped by 14.3 percent, from 14 to 12 sales, in the first three months of 2010 compared to Q1 of 2009.

Condominiums in Ayer, MA did not follow the same pattern as single-family homes, with the median price dropping 32 percent and sales rising 233 percent, from three sales in Q1 of 2009 to 10 sales in Q1 of 2010).

The median price of multi-family homes rose by 23.4 percent, an increase of $37,500.

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