Always be Networking is the new " Always be Selling". They both go hand in hand, but the best way to sell is to network.
As a wholesale loan representative for a major lender, we were taught to always sell. "Always be Selling," they told us. Ask for the sale whenever you see a client. Wear your name tag to the grocery store. Leave a business card wherever you go. Sell. Sell. Sell.
Fast forward a few years, and the latest buzz is networking. It works! Networking allows us to always sell ourselves as a professional in the field that you excel in, but in a less agressive way. "Always be networking" is a great way to live, especially if you are self employed like many of us in this industry are. Networking can take place anywhere. At networking mixers, Association of Realtor meetings, online at, at the gym, soccer games, the local dive bar, etc. The best part about networking is that you can choose how subtle or strong you'd like your message to be. As long as you relay the message of who you are, what you do and how well you do it, networking is sure to help you get your name out there and "Always be Selling."