
Time Flies!

Education & Training with Coach Jig
This morning when you woke up, you might have been like a lot of people…thinking to yourself, “Holy Cow – It’s JUNE!” Yes, it’s true. It’s June. How is your year shaping up? How many of your goals have you achieved? Are you on track to hit your 2010 goals? I’ll admit it. I’ve surpassed some goals while completely missing others. And you know what? It’s my own fault. The truth is that we only have one life. And our life is the sum total of our days. I failed to make EVERY day special. We only get today once. I wasted a few of my days. Am I the only one? Or are there some others out there who are in the same boat? How many times did you say to yourself, “I really have to do x”, or “One of these days I need to…” Guess what? “One of these days” is TODAY. I spent hours and hours on the phone or face to face with hundreds of Realtors® this year. Many of them said they would be in a completely different place in 30 or 60 days. Unfortunately, even 5 months later, most are in the same place…or worse. Why? Be a person of action! The ones who take action end up on top. The rest tell stories. They make excuses for why “today” isn’t a good day to be decisive about their life and their business. The series of excuses from January to December goes something like this…and the excuses are universal, ranging from investing in marketing, to taking training courses, to reading books, to getting in shape… January – “This time of year is just slow. I’ll be more active in a month or two” February – “I’m just getting over the holiday hangover; I’ll be in full swing next month” March – “I’m so busy right now. The kids are on spring break and they have all my attention” April – “I’m so focused on taxes right now. Once I have that squared away I’ll be ready to rock” May – “I’m buried in graduation/prom/weddings etc for my kids/grandkids” June-August – “With the kids out of school and a vacation coming up I’m just too busy to do anything with my business right now” September - “This year has been really slow. I’m hoping one of my deals closes this month and then I’ll have some breathing room” October – see September November – “With Thanksgiving coming up, I have no time for anything. I’ll just lay low until December and work on my business plan for next year” December - “What? Think about business during the holidays? I’ll start fresh at ‘the first of the year’” So now, here is some advice to keep this from happening: Be decisive. Live in the moment. Always be open to opportunities, regardless of what they might be…if you don’t look, you’ll never know if it was a good idea. Understand that life is life. There will always be vacations, proms, graduations, holidays etc. What we do today will make all of those events better. Here are a couple of the things that I did well so far this year: Stayed open to opportunities. Launched 2 new businesses. (by the is growing faster than I can handle – message me privately if you’d like more info on how you can help or partner). Read some great books. Helped to greatly improve the lives of at least 10 people. Presented 5 seminars to some great groups. Met 477 new people. (and I like 475 of them). And while all of that is good, I’m sure I could have done better. Did I miss any opportunities? Probably. Could I have built more relationships? Sure. Could I have made more money? Absolutely. Did I make bad decisions? No doubt. But here’s my take: By keeping my eyes open and taking more action than most, I’m still in a better position than most people are at this point in the year. Here’s the biggest lesson learned: Time flies, but it is our responsibility to catch the breeze and fly with it. Are you spreading your wings? Play to Win, Coach Jig
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Dawn A Fabiszak
Private Label Realty ( Denver metro area, Colorado - Aurora, CO
The Dawn of a New Real Estate Experience!

Jiqnesh ~ You sure hit home with that post!  You made me stop and think.  It is so easy to get side tracked in this business.  Even though I've been selling homes for over 17 years, I still get off goal.  Thanks for the reminder!!  Enjoy your day.

Jun 01, 2010 10:53 AM
Jignesh Patel
Coach Jig - International, IT

Dawn -  Glad you found it helpful! 

Play to Win,


Jun 16, 2010 07:26 AM
James A. Browning
Browning Real Estate School/REO Institute - International, IT
MRE REOCertified(R) SSCertified

Please join our group on LinkedIn, REO Institute, We value your opinion and comments about the distressed market. Please take the time to reply, thanks James

Mar 01, 2012 03:32 AM