Brand Mortgage is at the forefront of offering mortgage products that help stimulate the economy and provide affordable housing for most home buyers. Below is a BRAND new down payment assistance program offered to BRAND mortgage clients
Let's Do Business Gwinnett Down Payment Grant:
1. Property being purchased must be located in Gwinnett County Georgia and must be a residential lot
2. The applicant must have resided in Gwinnett County for at least 60 days before applying for the Grant with Brand Mortgage
3. Property must be a newly constructed home.
4. Purchase price of home cannot exceed $205,000.
5. The $5,000 grant is a silent second mortgage with no interest or payment
6. The grant of $5,000 is forgiven after 5 years unless applicant successfully completes the home buying program through the Impact Group, which reduces the time down to 2 years.
7. Applicants income may not exceed 120% of the HUD minimum income level set by HUD.
Steve Shockley
For more information regarding this program please call 770-778-7497. You may also contact me at Applicants may apply at