
Unexpected Adoption...Unexpected Blog (CAUTION: Cute Pictures)

Real Estate Attorney with Jenny L Colón, PC

Newest Addition

  My bride, Jenny, and I ended up unexpectedly rescuing another kitten this past week.  It'Homeward Bounds really a long and sad story, so I'll stick to the happy ending...this is our newest addition to our family-Leah!  Though I never thought I would blog about adopting a pet, I'm happy to tell the story...I think it'll be a good one.


   So by all means, do support your local animal shelter. They need food, litter, and donations. Also, there's nothing wrong with simply calling and asking them what they are in desperate need of.  I'm pretty sure they will be most willing to tell you. Do good things AR!


   I used to think Bob Barker was a little mental as we went on about how important it is to spade and neuter you pets.  Well, I'm eating my words today as I encourage folks, who are not in it for the breeding, to spade and neuter your pets. And do not be afraid to befriend a stray, it could be a good way to help that little cat by leading it to a new home.

1st nap


   The handling of unknown animals/strays should be done with extreme caution if at all. Strays should be considered a "wild" animal and in some cases it is best to contact Animal Control. REMEMBER, safety first!

1st bath


Left: 1st Nap

Right: 1st Bath (she was not a happy camper)






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...By the way, if you or any-one you know is looking to move to Hampton Roads, could you share with me their name and number? I would love to take care of them and show them how they too can, "Close Smoother With Shaffer."



Joe Colón Jr.

Recruiter/RE Agent for Shaffer Realty, LLC

(757) 377-1225Direct

(757) 468-5000 Office

500 Baylor Court, Ste. B

Chesapeake, VA 23320

If you would like to know more about me, I invite you to come and click here.

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Diane Casale
Coldwell Banker First, Huntsville, AL - Huntsville, AL
REALTOR®, ABR®, CNAS®, SNP, Selling North Alabama

Awww, good job Joe. We "adopted" a baby Robin a week ago. I have been feeding it, giving it a "nest", etc. It is now almost ready to join the other birds. It spends most of the day outside and comes right to me to eat or to be held. Very cute. Good luck with yours. It is precious!

Diane Casale

Jun 03, 2010 02:52 AM
Joe Colón, Jr.
Jenny L Colón, PC - Chesapeake, VA

Wow Diane, I never have heard of anyone nursing a baby Robin to adulthood. Great job! You should post some pictures of both of you guys. Have a great weekend.

Jun 03, 2010 06:41 PM
Joshua Zargari
MJ Decorators Workshop LI staging and home decorating - Lynbrook, NY
MJ Decorators Workshop

Great shots Joe!

Jun 12, 2010 04:30 AM
Joe Colón, Jr.
Jenny L Colón, PC - Chesapeake, VA

Thanks Josh, I appreciate it.

Jun 13, 2010 06:32 AM