Jan Feb March April May Properties for sale in Baldwin Park
74 72 Foreclosure properties listed since last post 7 3 New Non-Foreclosure listings since last post 11 11 What’s sold in Baldwin Park since last post 10 9 10 15 24 Foreclosures in Baldwin Park since last post 4 4 4 9 9 Non-Foreclosures sold since last post 6 5 6 6 15 What’s under contract
78 63 Foreclosures under contract in Baldwin Park 50 45 Non-Foreclosures pending in Baldwin Park 28 18
Currently there are 72 properties on the market within Baldwin Park, making up the Baldwin Park Real Estate scenario. Of these 72 properties ZERO are bank owned and 19 of them are considered a short sales and currently available and on the market for sale.
When we look at what is under contract within Baldwin Park, we see there are 63 properties that have recieved a contract. Below is a breakdown of when those contracts were received. This is added this month to show you how long it is taking to close actual homes. Next month, you might do a comparison to see how many of the 23 properties that went under contract in May, actually sold, and the same would hold true for January thru April. We can not add number of properties under contract for a given month, considering that month has passed. For instance, looking at February, there were actually 14 properties that went under contract that month, and today as of 5/31 only 2 remain on the market waiting to close.
Of the 7 properties that are 120 days or older, 1 is from August, 1 from September, 2 are from October, 1 November, and 2 December. The 12 properties from January that received contracts that month have closed already.
Existing Contracts Less than 30 days old 23 May
Existing Contracts 30 to 60 days old 21 April
Existing Contracts 60 to 90 days old 10 March
Existing Contracts 90 to 120 days old 2 February
Existing Contracts 120 days + 7 Before January 31
This report provided by Brady Pevehouse, an agent of Perrone Realty specializing in Orlando Real Estate and Baldwin Park homes for sale.