
Taking The Service Approach To Sales

Real Estate Broker/Owner with DRESS REALTY LLC

A wise man told me that if I wanted to be successful then I should make service to others always be my focal point. In a world where everybody is chasing the dollar this idea may seem out of touch, however, by taking the service approach you will find that many doors will be open to you.

The first step in the service approach is to determine what value you have to others? What can you provide to the people who you wish to represent as an agent or for that matter in any area in which you are trying to build success?

Next you have to figure out how you can provide these services "free of charge". That's right I said "free". Now someone may wonder "Why would I want to give away my services?" The answer is simple. People like free stuff. Your goal in the service approach is to build a network of people who trust and believe in you. People who see value in what you do and don't mind referring your services to others. When you provide free services people will beat a path to your door. Every time you help someone you build a relationship that will last.

"So when will I make money?" That has to be the next big question. After all no one wants to work for free. The answer is simple: You will make money all the time. Sales is about building relationships and people buy from people who they know or know of.

Think about it. Who do you think that fist time buyer is going to trust? Some person who they found using google or the person that helped them get into that first time buyers class.

Ask yourself what you have to offer. Here is an idea. Gather as much industry news and information as you can, so you can be a real resource to the community. Become known as someone who is ready, willing and able to give advice and/or direction to those who need it. Be the go to person for this type of help and you will be surprised how many of the people you help will turn into legitimate business opportunities.

Hassan Dabon - NOLA Home Advocate

ACA Realty

(504) 821-4757