Admin does route optimization and mileage tracking in seconds!

Real Estate Agent with Perry Allegra Asscociates is a web based mapping tool that provides the most efficient route for viewing properties. It also keeps a running log of all you miles driven, for IRS purposes. This service is quick and easy and allows users to create a route in seconds.
Please go to to login and look at the demo
 Dashfly features include...
    * Optimized route for showing/touring as many as 25 properties
    * Turn-by-turn directions and drag/drop rerouting
    * Save routes and track mileage
    * Take secure notes with property information and client feedback
    * Email and print routes
    * Create mileage reports for tax purposes on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis
     * Finding your most economical gas along your route
     * View routes as text on your phone
     *  free I-Phone Application

Joe Colón, Jr.
Jenny L Colón, PC - Chesapeake, VA

This is pretty cool Elliott, do you know if they have any non-iphone applications or is it only set up to work with Apple's PDA?

Jun 04, 2010 08:05 AM