I freely pledge to pursue my calling as a real estate professional.
Protecting and promoting my clients will be my first consideration.
I will continually learn and strive to better myself in knowledge and expertise.
I will in all ways do my utmost to elevate the standards of my profession.
I pledge to be honest at all times, and to treat appropriately the confidential information confided in me by my clients.
I will never give preference in my professional services based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, sexual orientation, or disability.
I will be forthright in disclosing to my clients all ways I earn income in connection with their transaction.
I will not provide a service that is outside of my field of expertise.
I recognize that this profession is equally about relationships and people as it is about real estate and law.
Passion for my vocation, love for the people I meet, and dedication to this oath will define my life's work.