2010 Hurricane season is here and I would like to provide some information and a list of items that you should have available at home. Although this list is not complete it is a good start to being prepared for a hurricane.
It is very important for your family to have a plan that includes all of the Hurricane hazards that may come during the storm such as: storm surge, high winds, tornadoes, and flooding. The most important thing anyone should do is "use common sense" when facing a hurricane threat.
- Flashlights with extra Batteries
- Grill or Camp stove including Fuel and utensils
- Tarps
- Duct Tape
- Bug Spray and Mosquito Repellent
- Portable Radio or TV
- Charged Cell Phone and or Laptop
- Charged Camera (to take photos of damage after the storm)
- Extra Baby Formula, diapers, etc.
- Toiletries
- Paper Towels
- Bottled Water (1-3 gallons per person per day)
- Powdered Drink Mixes and or Soda cans
- Canned goods such as Meat, Vegetables, Fruits, Fish
- Manual Can Opener
- Extra Prescription Medication
- First Aid Kit with Scissors
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Tylenol/Aspirin/Antacid Tablets/Advil
- Vehicles Filled With Gasoline maybe even a 5 gallon back up
- If you have pets, you will want to make plans for them as well
- Evacuation Plan and phone numbers of family/friends
- Important Documents in a water proof container like Passports, Birth Certificates, Homeowners Insurance, Vehicle Titles, Credit Card information etc.
- CASH on hand
If you need more information please visit the NOAA web site Frequent Questions. They also provide this information in different languages.
Click Here for the Red Cross Hurricane Check List
Remember to be safe and use common sense