
Trying new things...

Real Estate Broker/Owner with The Briles Company

The past couple of weeks I have been searching for that next idea to help market our listings...

I have tried the YouTube video on the neighborhood to get the area more exposure, changed different photos, had my clients do some improvements to the properties and dropped the price...

I just got on Active Rain to do some researching on some ideas that might be working for you!  If you have something you want to share, please do so...I am all ears!

Off to find the latest and greatest!

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Richard Weisser
Richard Weisser Realty - Newnan, GA
Richard Weisser Retired Real Estate Professional


My suggestion would be to use your ActiveRain SEO power to get good long-tail search results for your listings and area!

Jun 07, 2010 10:05 AM
Lauren Briles
The Briles Company - Greenville, SC

Richard, can you tell me more about the ActiveRain SEO Power?

Jun 07, 2010 02:57 PM