
Birmingham Mi Homes for Sale- Is Doing a FSBO Worth Your Time & Effort?

Real Estate Agent with 248-877-8548- Prudential HWWB Realtors of Birmingham MI

When it comes to Birmingham MI homes for sale, many people ask if FSBO's (for sale by owners) are really worth the time and effort involved. The simple answer is, it depends.  Birmingham Mi homes for sale

While it's true home sellers are becoming more educated on the process, not all transactions involving Birmingham MI homes for sale are cut and dry. Complications can arise. Plus, it takes time to sell a home. For people working odd shifts, or even those who have hectic ‘nine to five' schedules, finding the time to sell a home is more of a commitment than they can handle.

There's also the advertising cost factor to consider. While it's true you need to pay a Realtor a Brokerage fee, the real estate office handles the advertising of all their Birmingham MI homes for sale. There is no upfront cost involved for you.

In addition to understanding the process, you also need to understand housing rules and regulations, as well as real estate contracts and conveyance. It's also important to understand liens and easements and inspections. You'll also may need legal advice and guidance from a lawyer educated in real estate law if you do a FSBO.

So again, if you've got one of the Birmingham MI homes for sale and you're thinking of doing a FSBO, only you can say if it'll be beneficial to you. If you have the time, money, resources and knowledge then yes, it might be worth it to go it alone.  If not, then it's worthwhile to see a Birmingham MI Realtor to handle your sale.

Posted by

 Mark Wasserman

Associate Broker

Prudential HWWB Realtors






Mark Wasserman  248-877-8548  

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