Recently our Board put on a seminar by Terry Watson. Terry was a very engaging speaker and 2 main points I took away from his seminar and still incorporate were to engage more online especially with's tremendous educational opportunities and marketing opportunities and to remember that
"It's not MY MONKEY"
Terry in a very humorous way conveyed that we are REALTORS not Accountants, Lawyers, Etc. and to not let the consumer place us in the position of answering questions outside of our scope. We should refer them on and not "place the monkey on our back". I've found this advice again and again keeping me from straying outside boundaries of being "helpful" when asked questions like "What do these apartments rent for?" I refer them to the onsite property manager for rental advice. This is one small example.
I don't want to ever be unhelpful, but operating as a Realtor I am not a lawyer, property manager, accountant etc and if feels good to think to myself "Its not MY MONKEY" and refer it on.