
Its Not My Monkey

Real Estate Agent with Fine Island Properties LLC RB-21124

Recently our Board put on a seminar by Terry Watson.  Terry was a very engaging speaker and 2 main points I took away from his seminar and still incorporate were to engage more online especially with's tremendous educational opportunities and marketing opportunities and to remember that

"It's not MY MONKEY" 

Terry in a very humorous way conveyed that we are REALTORS not Accountants, Lawyers, Etc. and to not let the consumer place us in the position of answering questions outside of our scope.  We should refer them on and not "place the monkey on our back".  I've found this advice again and again keeping me from straying outside boundaries of being "helpful" when asked questions like "What do these apartments rent for?"  I refer them to the onsite property manager for rental advice.  This is one small example.

I don't want to ever be unhelpful, but operating as a Realtor I am not a lawyer, property manager, accountant etc and if feels good to think to myself "Its not MY MONKEY" and refer it on.




Barbara Kornegay
REMAX Essential - Wilmington, NC
Wilmington NC Real Estate, Homes
"[A]s you partake of the world's bill of fare, that's darned good advice to follow. Do a lot of spitting out the hot air. And be careful what you swallow."

 Dr. Seuss quote

Jun 07, 2010 10:26 PM
Randy Ostrander
Lake and Lodge Realty LLC - Big Rapids, MI
Real Estate Broker, Serving Big Rapids and West Central MI

Easy to fall into that trap by trying to be helpful. Most common question around here is "Where are the property lines" even when it is obvious I say the surveyor and I have a deal, he don't sell houses and I don't pretend to know where property lines are.

Jun 07, 2010 11:44 PM
Sam White
College Station, TX
Integrated Marketing - Bryan College Station,

It's strange that some people EXPECT me to be an expert on everything. They become upset or offended when I suggest to them that  the BEST source of information on your loan is your mortgage broker and the best sources about an HOA is the HOA. I'm just  trying to keep them, and me, out of trouble.

Jun 07, 2010 11:48 PM
Don Spera
CR Property Group, LLC - East York, PA
Serving York and Adams County, PA


There are more and more lawsuits out there against Realtors due to them holding themselves out to be something they are not.  One prime example that happened years ago is where a Realtor took out his pocket knife and poked at a floor joist and made a comment about wood destroying insects.  He said that "it doesn't seem to be a problem".  Wow, he opened himself up and lost his license, not just a suspension.  Another Realtor showed property lines on a vacant lot, and the septic perc test and well were not to standards as far as distance apart from the property line and each other.  Boom, he was fined and was out of the business within months.  We have to watch everything we do microscopically.

Jun 08, 2010 12:54 AM