I have heard it said that when you have a plot of land, the best things to cultivate are your neighbors. How's it going for you in your neighborhood? Have you cultivated any friendships with your new neighbors? Could you borrow a cup of sugar if you need it? If so, good for you! If you haven't, it's never too late to start. And if I can help you to get acquainted, please don't hesitate to call. You might be wondering who lives across the street, or how much the house down the road is selling for. I know all about the neighborhood and the real estate market, that's for sure. If you want to get to know the neighborhood by maps, by demographics, or by locating schools or houses of worship, you'll find all of that and more on my web site at www.HomeSold123.com. I know that moving and getting settled is a huge undertaking. I help people move every day. Please know how much I appreciate your trust and confidence in me. And remember that I am ready to help your friends, associates or, yes, your neighbors if they are considering making a change in real estate. Thanks for your continued support! D J Winter RE/MAX REALTY SELECT