
Here a blog, there a blog, everywhere you look is a blog!

Real Estate Agent with HER Realtors - Worthington Ohio

 The Home Goods store... Before every closing I like to browse at my favorite store that sells quality home decor items at affordable prices. I like to take a thank you gift to the closing, something that is unique and special.

The Home Goods store I frequent is located in Lewis Center Ohio just a few miles north of my real estate office. One day as I was shopping at the Home Goods store I noticed a large sign in the window. The sign was very attractive the headline intrigued me. Being a real estate agent the words "discover OpenHouse" made me read more. Was I surprised to find out that "discover OpenHouse" is a blog about decorating and entertaining written by Home Goods customers. I was very curious to see just what this blog had to offer. I found the blog to be visually appealing and fun.

There is a short description about each of the five customer bloggers; Deb is from St Louis a mom of grown children, Cathy is an interior decorator in Southern California, Janice is from New Jersey and is looking forward to decorating her new home she is building, Betty is a part-time interior decorator from Maryland and Alli is a real estate agent from North Carolina.

The Home Goods Openhouse blog encourages readers to participate.The readers of the Openhouse blog are able to view the photos of customer's purchases they have made and how great they look in their homes.

The Home Goods store blog got me thinking--will every business be adding a blog in tandem with their website. Is the blogging venue the wave of the future just as websites have become so popular?



Hi Karen, I just found your post about HG Openhouse. As one of the bloggers I want to thank you for giving us a little pitch. Although I am and have been a St. Louisan for many years, my dh and I lived in Westerville, OH for a year. Gotta love central Ohio. Go Buckeyes!!!!

Dec 17, 2009 09:50 AM

Hi Karen, I just found your post about HG Openhouse. As one of the bloggers I want to thank you for giving us a little pitch. Although I am and have been a St. Louisan for many years, my dh and I lived in Westerville, OH for a year. Gotta love central Ohio. Go Buckeyes!!!!

Dec 17, 2009 09:50 AM