
Photos...What Realtors biggest mistakes are!

Real Estate Sales Representative with Re/Max East-West
I have been listings homes for several years. I always thought I took good pictures with my 250.00 camera. I tried my hardest to get the best shots and create my own virtual tours. I thought they always looked good.  Until I had a seller who wanted her pictures taken that same day and I didn't have the time. I called a Image Design and ordered a virtual tour. After they loaded it on to my website. I realized that it wasn't in the virtual tour it was in the camera. So Realtors don't try to skimp. We all  take good pictures but someone with a 2000.00 camera and special lens and software can take even the worst  home and make it look like a dream home.
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David L. Britt
Platinum Realty, LLC - Olathe, KS
Nancy, glad you experienced great success with a photographer.  I still think you can get great pictures with a very nice camera and a little training.  Everything is in the eye of the beholder.  I like being the holder!
Aug 08, 2007 04:03 PM
Stephen Gladstone
Stonehollow Fine Home Inspections & Testing - Stamford, CT
Wait a minute...take a crappy home and use a good photographer or a good camara and you can make it a dream home.... why not just hand the buyers rose colored glasses when they come to the open house. It's kinda like some of the business cards I see! LOL  Steve
Aug 08, 2007 04:14 PM
Nancy Means
Re/Max East-West - Elmhurst, IL

Very true David! This new listing I am talking about has 83 pics with music. The house was beautiful to beginwith. The pictures just enhanced the beauty and give the rooms so much more depth than I could ever give. The best thing a bout it. I am getting listing app from the home. Callers are telling me know one has 83 pics and how come my Realtor can't do this. The house has not sold yet, but I know it will.

Aug 08, 2007 04:21 PM
Nancy Means
Re/Max East-West - Elmhurst, IL



Some homes don't show the best but, I think it's our jobs as listing agents to bring out the best in a home. Whether it be to take pictures of there gorgeous backyard even if the inside doesn't show very well. If we don't find anything good in a home where selling how can we sell it to our buyers?

There is a home for everyone. It is truly in the eye of the buyer. You have to believe in the home you sell. Location may only be the best thing it has going for it.

Aug 08, 2007 04:37 PM
delete me delete me
delete me - Dixon, CA
I do agree that someone with a $2k camera can make a dump look like a castle, but I think it's unnecessary overhead...If you get to know your camera, you'll be able to take great is all in the software...but paying someone to do it for you, I think it's a complete waste of can do it...budget your time to allow for it, and just do'll see...and you'll thank me for encouraging you...   =)
Aug 08, 2007 05:02 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

Hi Nancy, I see this is your first post on Active Rain.  Congratulations!!  I just wanted to welcome you to our Real Estate Industry Network! 

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Aug 08, 2007 05:40 PM
Fred Light
| Nashua Video Tours - Nashua, NH
Real Estate Video Tours for MA and NH

You get what you pay for.

Realtors buy and sell houses, and KNOW their business.  If a customer thinks of doing an FSBO, the Realtor is very quick to point out all the reasons why they are making a huge mistake.  Because they are NOT professional and because they do not do this for a living and because they can make many costly mistakes in the process that can either net them less profit or, worse case scenario, not get the house sold at all.... blah, blah blah....

However, many Realtors do the exact same thing when working for their customers.  They think their 1999 Kodak 1 megapixel camera is 'good enough' and their beautiful vacation pictures proof that they can take great photos.  They purchase the least expensive program on the market for uploading your own photos and turning them into so called 'virtual tours' .... not because it's any good, but because it's cheap.  They print their promotional material and flyers with a template on their free software program that they don't really know how to use... because it's free. They buy use their $35 'web design' software from WalMart to do their own website..... because it's cheaper.

I see it all the time.  And I also see Realtors running around with their heads cut off because they have 'too much to do'.

If you want to be successful in business (any business), you need to recognize what you're truly good at (i.e. real estate), and what is best left to people who are also good at their jobs. The overall quality of the work that you actually do will be better quality because you have the time to spend to do it thoroughly and properly and professionally, and the work you delegate to others will be better quality as well because they do the work that they know best. And your customer will be the beneficiary, because the job will be well done - all the way around - which only reflects well upon you.

As much as it would be a perfect world if we were all adept in every aspect of our business, and had the time to do everything ourselves.  But face it - that's just not the way it is.

It's the only way to grow in your business.


Aug 08, 2007 08:55 PM