
Technology! Bah! Humbug!

Real Estate Agent with Frank Howard Allen Realtors

So...I'm having a bit of trouble with my interconnecting technology.  So it's either "only words" - very boring - or "old photographs" - not so boring, but just don't think that's all I have to offer! 

We do have an upcoming event here (I know because my mail box is getting filled up every day with instructions on where to meet and what to do as a volunteer) for Labor Day weekend that I participated in last year, so I can give you a few of those photos.  This entire event is organized, coordinated and presented (with many volunteers) by the Sonoma Valley Vinters and Growers Association (those kind folks who grow our favorite beverages!)  to benefit a group of non-profits. They (the V&G) own more wine glasses that anyone you might know!  We borrowed (thank you!) 200 for another event recently and it didn't even make a dent in the stash in the warehouse.  They are very generous.


1st picnic event

Doesn't this look like fun?  It's in a big park, just north of the Plaza.  Food tasting, wine tasting (or maybe drinking, and certainly bidding on).  This is the same area that, on another day, by another organization,(under a huge tent) presented Tony Bennett and my favorite, Smokey Robinson.  That was the Sonoma Jazz fest several months ago. What a great evening!  Before I knew I could volunteer (and attend for free), I bought several tickets at close to $100.00 each.  Now I say right away "is there a chance to volunteer"?  before I buy tickets!

 Just to remind you that we are on the fabulous Pacific Coast (50 min. from the town of Sonoma) - here's one more view of this most beautiful ocean which laps upon Calfornia tonight, even as we speak! (Japan, China - and the olympics, beginning one year from today - are across this vast band of aqur marine water. Too far to walk...even if you could walk on the water!) Should you ever want to live right on this coast for a week or more, look up "Sea Ranch".  This is a community of wonderful, weathered, multi-windowed, mostly weekend homes with entire wall views of this ocean.  Don't bring your swimsuits, however, the Pacific currents feed down from Alaska so, you probably guessed it - the water is cold!  in contrast to So. CA, were the water is warm. 


On a real estate note, today I spent the entire day at our Plaza office...on-duty!  So many visitors today.  I have no idea why, but people from all over stopped in - most wanted our free map, couple wanted to use the "facilities" and one man, an investor, wanted to buy a $2mil house on 5 acres....with vineyards!  He really needed to go up to $3mil, but I didn't tell him that - yet!  He'll be back in 2 weeks!  What a lead? Right? 

I'm looking forward to having my photographic technology straightened out, but, in the meantime - these are not too bad!  (again, my images, so no additional credits needed)

Thanks for all your comments on my first blog. This is really fun (and distracting from the slow pace of our current market)


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Linda Reynolds
Bradenton Real Estate - Linda Reynolds - Bradenton, FL
Bradenton Real Estate
Looks like fun, and I love the picture of the ocean.  Such a different view from what we have in Florida, no cliffs here!!
Aug 08, 2007 11:00 PM
Sally Hilliard

This was really fun, Maggie. I applaud you in navigating all this technology! And also reminding me why I choose to live in this lovely valley - one of which is the wonderful friends and sense of community that you are a part of. I'm putting this in my "favorites" and will check it often.

Aug 10, 2007 05:14 AM