Our RED Day event was focused upon raising money for a local charity, the Painted Turtle Camp; food drive for a local food pantry, Grace Resources; and blood drive for our local hospital, AV Hospital. We advertised by radio, broadcasting 88 commercial spots; local television interviews; City of Palmdale Mayor Pro Tem was our keynote speaker at the office meeting at the event. We included the medical office next door who participated by holding an open house and free medical screenings. We rented out the parking lot spaces to various local vendors raising money for the Painted Turtle Camp. We had a jumper, facepainting, and magician for the children. The local radio station had their 20 foot boom box broadcasting during the day. Many agents went door knocking inviting participation from the community in the form of food donation, blood donations and inviting the public to the event held at our office. Blood donors gave 30 pints of blood. Over 800 pounds of food was donated to the food bank. And, $2,000 donated to the Painted Turtle Camp, a camp for children with life threatening disabilities and illnesses.
Looking forward to even more successful Red Day next year!!!!