Email has SPAM, telephones have voicemail...and the World Cup has vuvuzelas! Those annoying cheap plastic horns are to a wonderful World Cup experience what spam is to email. It totally destroys it.
Tuned in to enjoy the England vs. U.S. game and thought something was wrong with my TV. Then I thought there were some flies in my window. NOooooo, it was the on the TV at the World Cup. Thousands and thousands of these horrible noisemakers called vuvuzelas gave me a headache and forced me to turn it off. I had to record it on the DVR, fast forward to the scores then mute the volume.
How sad that South Africa has spent billions of Rand and years of work preparing for this wonderful, exciting event...then with a R10 horn, they wreck the experience for millions of viewers.
Is there nothing left in the world that doesn't come with a down side? Couldn't we just get good soccer? To the broadcasters, maybe have a SAP, second audio program that is just the announcers. EQ the noise out.
Ahhh, and I was looking forward to the World Cup. I guess I'll just have to read about it.