
My first Blog!

Real Estate Agent with Carolina Realty of Wilkes Inc
well, here I sit wondering what to say to nobody or everybody!  ive invested up to my nose in mountain property so where are all the buyers?  ive had a great 11 years and it seems that just when things start to pick up in this market, they drop again........i call it our sputtering market.  too bad my bills arent sputtering.
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Ricardo Bueno
Diverse Solutions - Los Angeles, CA

Welcome to the network Teresa! Now that you have a blog and are on the net, who knows, maybe some wondering internet buyer will find you. :) 



Aug 09, 2007 08:22 AM
LaShon James-Major
The Document Diva - Long Beach, CA
Long Beach Mobile Notary - 562.314.4319

Feel free to write about what you know. Real estate, your home town, technology, etc. Whatever you're comfortable writing about then the juices will start flowing.

diva sig 

Aug 09, 2007 08:27 AM
unknown lender
Geneva, IL
Bills never do sputter, do they?  But they do start to bluster and whine if you don't pay attention fast enough.  Here's to a nice reversal in the markets ... and soon!
Aug 09, 2007 08:28 AM
Bill Gassett
RE/MAX Executive Realty - Hopkinton, MA
Metrowest Massachusetts Real Estate
Teresa - Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your 1st blog. You will find a wealth of information here and some great people. I would check out some articles on SEO. Looking a the SEO articles is the best time investment for making money. You can't make any money unless they can find you- right?
Aug 09, 2007 08:35 AM
» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator
» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator - Fort Myers, FL


Welcome to A.R.  I look forward to reading your future blogs.

Aug 09, 2007 10:23 AM
Birmingham Alabama Real Estate, Stephen Wolfe - Birmingham, AL
Welcome to ActiveRain. I've only been on a week or so myself, but it sure it addicting and fun.  One way to get ideas is to spend some time on Active Rain and some other real estate blogs. See what you enjoy the most on those and do the same for yourself... why not adverstise some of that mountain property
Aug 09, 2007 12:30 PM
Stephanie Edwards-Musa - The Woodlands, TX
knitwit at thred UP
Hi Teresa,  I think the buyers are on vacation.  :)  Just kidding.  Good luck with everything, Welcome to Active Rain, and keep on blogging!!
Aug 09, 2007 02:05 PM
Pam Hofmann
Third Tennessee Realty & Associates, LLC - Crossville, TN
Your Crossville, Lake Tansi & Fairfield Glade Specialist
Welcome to the neighborhood, You will enjoy all of your time spent here and probably make some $$$
Aug 09, 2007 02:12 PM