Oil Spill- Open Letter To The Netherlands and The Dutch Consul
Open Letter to the Netherlands and the Dutch Consul,We want to thank you so much for your offer to help with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Most of us Americans are grateful that your country offered to help. I know that many Europeans read our blogs here in America and we hope you find this one also.Most of us Americans respect your country's level of experience. After all, the Netherlands and Norway are very involved with oil drilling and production. You have some of the most experienced water management minds and dyke construction experience.You have some of the worlds' most superior equipment that works. Unfortunately, the American media does not report on any of this. For those of us who know this, we search out our news on stations and radio broadcasts from around the world.The Radio Netherlands Worldwide explained to us from Dutch Consul General Geert Visser what happened between the US Government and your country.Thank you for being so concerned about this oil spill that you offered to have your ships using Dutch sweeping arms start clearing the oil way before it was ever going to reach the beaches and hurt the wildlife.Most of us Americans are deeply saddened that our government turned down your generous offer to help with this tragedy because we know that this oil spill could have been contained weeks ago. Your ships were there waiting with their sweeping arms to help. Thank you. Thank you.Almost a month later our government finally decided that you could send the sweeping arms to Houston Texas on 747's. Each one of these arms is capable of clearing around 20,000 tons of oil per day.I know that Consul Visser thinks that perhaps the US government did not want to admit that you have superior equipment. However, I wish it were that simple. It is not. Just as you have political ambitions in your country, there are also those here in our country with political ambitions and agendas.The Dutch also wanted to help build a sand dyke similar to the one that the Governor of Louisiana wanted to build. But the Dutch are far superior in dredging. You offered plans to our government from your Dutch knowledge institute Deltares and the Dutch dredging company, Van Oord. They made plans to build a sand dyke that would stretch for miles within just a few weeks time.This was proposed weeks ago and the US government again, turned your help down.And then there is the protective US legislation of the Jones Act, a one page document that states that no ship Dutch or otherwise not under a United States flag can work in US waters. This Jones Act has been waived on other occasions for specific help that is needed such as when we had Hurricane Katrina hit the same areas. According to the Jones Act, ALL GOODS in US waters have to be transported by US ships. Please note that any President in the White House can sign a waiver to the Jones Act.Thank you to your reporter Erik Klooster for bringing this to our attention.On behalf our myself, my family, my friends and many other American countrymen and women- We extend our gratitude for your generous offers of help, assistance and expert experience.Should Dutch Consul Geert Visser ever get the chance to read this open letter; please know we understand your frustration and are grateful for you to speak up on this matter.May peace be with you,Nestor and Katerina Gasset, CIPS, ABR, GRIand many more Americans.