
It's Raining again!! I thought this was a desert??

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Paris Gibson Realty

Well here we are and it is raining again!!  I have not seen so much rain in the 15 years  Ihave been here.  The landscape is green and lush and beautiful.  I thought this great plains area was technically a desert.  I guess every decade we must get some moisture to recharge everything. 

Most days are typically sunny and bright.  This spring has been cloudy and rainy.  The rivers are dangerously high so be careful if you are planning to be near them. 

I would assume the farmers are pretty happy with all the rain but I bet they are worried about hail.  We had some yesterday.  There were some pretty good thunderstorms and lightening too. 

We are however getting soaken wet showing houses, so it is a good idea to pack an umbrella. 

Happy trails,


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Wanda Thomas
Montana Homestead Brokers, Broker, CRS, GRI, SFR, RN - Billings, MT
Billings Montana Real Estate

I remember when I was going to college in Havre and I couldn't get there from Kalispell due to rain and swollen rivers.  I've seen a few flash flood warnings but thankfully nothing too extreme!  I think you're right that every now and then the prairie just needs a good soaking.

Jun 16, 2010 08:28 AM
Kelly Parks, M.S.
Paris Gibson Realty - Great Falls, MT

Yes I guess that is the case.  I read about the Strawberry festival in Billings and have never been.  Are there any U Pick strawberry fields there?  I don't think we have any in Great Falls.


Jun 16, 2010 09:25 AM
Wanda Thomas
Montana Homestead Brokers, Broker, CRS, GRI, SFR, RN - Billings, MT
Billings Montana Real Estate

The festival is just a good excuse to get together downtown, and it's a good fundraiser, the strawberry fields are few and far between for us.

Jun 16, 2010 10:03 AM