
Death of the Real Estate Office?

Reblogger Preston Miller
Real Estate Agent with Modern Broker

Great post about non-traditional offices.  I couldn't agree more.  A lot of the ideas expressed below contributed to the creation of the "Modern Broker" concept.  The number of replies/comments to this original post really go a long way to show the trend our industry is taking in this direction.   

Original content by Joe Pryor 104556

I was moved today by Seth Godin's blog post. In it Seth said goodbye to the traditional office. In his last few book Linchpin Seth talked about the death of the factory system office where we became cogs in a conformist machine. I will be the first person to say that in some instances conformity is a good thing, but in our business we have been handed the keys to the individual entrepreneurial pot of gold. The internet and modern technology allows us to look big and work small, and that trend is only going to become more pronounced. I don't think we are going back to a simpler real estate time, and I for one don't want to. Last year I left a major franchise to go independent. I evaluated how my fees were apportioned and what I found was startling to me anyway. I was paying desk fees for a desk I didn't use. I was paying for a branded sign that didn't bring in business by itself, and I was paying for a national ad campaign that from asking my clients were they moved to use me because of it, they said no to the tune of 100%. So I set out on my own to control where I wanted my marketing dollars to go, and I started building a team.

Seth points out some great points about mobility and how out new office is being arranged. The old office was a gathering place because that is where we did business, making cold calls, and also phoning other agents to tel them about a new listing. If we had a team we had a larger office or multiple rooms to house the team because we needed to be together to transact real estate. We had the broker close by to give us mentoring, advice, or to help solve a problem. We fed off the energy of others around us. As Seth would say we had a Tribe. Finally we could say, I am on the way to my office.

The brave new world of technology and the information age has changed that. If you have a laptop you have your office with you. If you have a webcam and Skype you are connected anywhere anytime. If you need sales meetings you can use for free to up to 20 people. You need to collarborate, you have Google Docs on line. Need graphics, there are a ton of companies online and places like that can do it cheaper that your office, and even mail it the next day after the order. You need training then this is real Seth Godin Tribes terriotry. My training tribes are with Active Rain, The Real Estate Tomato, Domus Consulting, Virtual REBar, CDPE, and more. Besides, how many times at the office can you connect with the best in the business like these? It's like the old Murderer's Row hitting line up for the Babe Ruth led Yankees.

If you need the office, need the franchise, then go for it. They are not going away but they will have to change too. You should be where you are most comfortable and with what gives you the most confidence. For me, I looked at the dollars out, and didn't not see dollars in. It is just you need to look at what you are paying for and determine if it has value. I do have a problem with what I have done though. I need to figure out what I want to do with the $40,000 that is staying in my pocket this year. Retirement investment? Put more money into the business with a bigger team? And where will the extra money go to making charitible donations. Strive to be a Seth Godin Linchpin and learn the mantra of Ninja Selling, "the reason to be rich is so you can afford to be generous". 

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Dagny Eason
Dagny's Real Estate - Wilton, CT
Fairfield County CT, CDPE Homes For Sale and Condo

Thanks so much for reblogging this!  I agree, and need my "kick in the butt" to go out on my own ....  All of those points being taken into serious consideration

Jun 16, 2010 08:42 PM
Wallace S. Gibson, CPM
Gibson Management Group, Ltd. - Charlottesville, VA

GREAT re-blog....YEARS ago the broker did not want the agent's cel phone listed ANYWHERE to save the LISTINGS and CLIENTS for the brokerage office * NOW the brokerage is a mindless/faceless * except at overpriced conventions * entity with a presence on the web.

Agents have ALWAYS been independent contractors and the sooner they realize this and do what WORKS FOR THEM, the BETTER they are.....THEIR marketing, THEIR contacts and THEIR experience are THEIR keys!!!

Jun 16, 2010 11:33 PM
Charles Edwards Bentonville
Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 - Bentonville, AR
AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker

Great post, great comments from Dagny and Wallace. Some Principal Brokers appear to be thrilled to be left behind! Go figure! Never go down with the sip. Change, learn, grow and move ahead of the crowd.

Jun 17, 2010 12:23 AM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

We invite you back to ActiveRain.  Much has changed since your last blog post.  We would welcome your return!

Aug 12, 2017 07:42 PM