
Has technology diminshed Realtor professionalism?

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Premier Realty

In this day and age of cell phones, smart phones, smart pads, Ipads, etc., we as Realtors have had to rethink how we do business.  We now have the tools to be accessible at all times and do our work from pretty much anywhere.  Work from home, on vacation, or at the cabin. 

But I've started to notice a disturbing trend in my office here in Minnesota.  Many of the agents in my office have become so dependent on this technology that they have become slaves to it.  It used to be when someones cell phone rang in a team meeting you were expected to pay $5.00 to the office kitty because you were expected to either leave the phone in your office or turn it off.  Now a meeting can't go 5 minutes without someones phone ringing for either a phone call, text or email notification.  Now this is accentuated by the fact that most of the agent then have the audacity to answer it or check and respond to an email right in the middle of the meeting! 

A wise Realtor first told me when I got into the business, "Where ever you are, be there".  I didn't quite understand at first but it has become abuntantly clear to me now.  It is highly unlikely that something so important is happening in that 1 hour span, that you can't leave your phone unanswered.  It's unprofessional and quite rude to whoever is presenting or speaking.  Of course try and get that message across to a group of starving Realtors in one of the worst economic environments!                                                



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Eric Anderson
Eric Anderson Realty Group - Fayetteville, NC
Fort Bragg Military Relocation Services, Fayettevi

Technology is a very big part of both our personal and professional lives, just have to learn what is appropriate. 

Jun 18, 2010 06:47 AM
Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn
Sell with Soul - Pensacola Beach, FL
Author of Sell with Soul

Funny - I have a post written up with almost the same title, but it goes in a different direction. Not opposing, just different.

I'm wondering if perhaps this is simply the way of the world now and we're just going to have to change our paradigms of what is appropriate and professional.

Good post.

Jun 18, 2010 07:07 AM
Richard Iarossi
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Crofton, MD
Crofton MD Real Estate, Annapolis MD Real Estate


Actually, I think that Realtor professionalism has diminished technology :)


Jun 18, 2010 07:18 AM
Brad Cullipher
Austin Mortgage - Austin, TX
Brad Cullipher Austin Mortgage

"Where ever you are, be there". A great quote, that actually could be taken in a couple different directions. Ultimately, though, I think texts can wait. ESPECIALLY IF IT'S THE CAR!

Jun 18, 2010 07:23 AM
Jeanne Gregory, RE/MAX Southwest, Sugar Land, TX

Six weeks ago I broke my right arm.  Huge cast (up to my shoulder).  Finally got permission to drive and cell phone rings 6 times-same person!  No voice mails, just constant calling.  It was an insurance agent that I had referred a client to.  Client wasn't closing for 2 weeks, so I had no sense of urgency, and even if I did, I had a broken arm!  When I finally called back, the receptionist said "oh yea, we called you, can you hold"  NO!  Seriously, that is why I have voice mail!!!

Jun 18, 2010 07:50 AM
Ken Tracy
Coldwell Banker Residential - Naperville, IL
Helping clients buy and sell since 2005

Hi Brian.  I have become a slave to technology!

It does feel good to turn "it" off from time to time...

Thanks for writing,


Jun 18, 2010 08:15 AM
John Elwell
CENTURY 21 Bill Nye Realty, Inc. - Zephyrhills, FL
You Deserve a Full-Time Agent, Not Reduced Results

Technology is great, but it will never replace the real person that uses it and CONTROLS it. That is why there will always be real "live' real estate agents out there for years to come. But the Person should use the tool. It should never be the Tool that controls the Person. Some people need to find that out.

Jun 18, 2010 08:56 AM
Melina Tomson
Tomson Burnham, llc Licensed in the State of Oregon - Salem, OR
Principal Broker/Owner, M.S.

This is about setting boundaries and expectations.  I don't answer phone calls when I am with clients unless there is something really important I am dealing with that I need to be interrupted for.  When I meet with clients I tell them this policy so that they know to email me or leave me a message.  I think part of the problem is that agents have explained to clients that it isn't reasonable for them to expect us to answer our phones all the time. 

Jun 18, 2010 09:46 AM
Jeanna Martinez
RE/MAX Access - Schertz, TX

What a great post!  It is so easy to get caught up and forget to stay plugged in where we are!  I love your quote "Where ever you are, be there"!! Thanks for sharing!

Jun 18, 2010 10:02 AM
Bryan Robertson
Los Altos, CA

Using technology is critical but how it is used is up to the Realtor.  In my opinion, a "professional" can manage their time so that they don't allow a phone call or text to interrupt a meeting.  I have a standing rule, no emails in meeting in which I'm a participant.  I also don't take calls after 6PM (return them the next day) and I don't generally check emails at late hours.  Of course, there are always exceptions but discipline is what is needed to avoid being rude.

Jun 18, 2010 10:45 AM
Lorraine or Loretta Kratz
Crescent Moon Realty, Inc. & Land N Sea Auctions. - San Marcos, CA
Certified Negotiation Consultants

Great, observations. Congratulation on being feature. 

Jun 18, 2010 10:54 AM
Laurie Gibson
Windermere Powerhouse Group - Caldwell, ID
SFR, Canyon County Real Estate

For Sure!!!  It's so hard to leave the phone behind,  I always put mine on vibrate when in a meeting, however I do check to see who is calling to decide if I should take it or not.  Good thoughts!

Jun 18, 2010 11:01 AM
Rene Fabre
ARFCO Media - Renton, WA
Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts

Brian: I love social media, I love my Blackberry, my laptop, my Flip, and all the sites I frequent, and of course Active Rain... When I meet with clients, or we have meetings at the office, I shut my phone down. I agree, it's rude not to. You can't blame the economy for lack of manners.

The advice you got from the old timer is priceless, and I think of that saying often. Our technology tools are supposed to be tools to help us communicate better. Sometimes I look around and it appears the opposite is happening. I'm not a stiff shirt, but I'd never be rude enough to block out time to meet with someone then interrupt them with my phone going off and get up and walk out of the room... Yet, I see people doing that all the time.

Jun 18, 2010 11:26 AM
Sandy Nelson
Riley Jackson Real Estate Inc. - Olympia, WA
your Olympia area Real Estate Specialist

"Wherever you are, be there". I love that saying. Thanks.

Jun 18, 2010 12:15 PM
Chris Olsen
Olsen Ziegler Realty - Cleveland, OH
Broker Owner Cleveland Ohio Real Estate

Hi Brian -- I wasn't in the moment one time with a client and I lost them, that was a valuable lesson I learned, even though I knew it already.


I used to be a tech person by day in my former career and we had a saying:


a fool with a tool is still a fool.


That is how I view people who don't have the decency to silence their phone in meetings, seminars, etc.  I ensure mine is on silent before I leave my car to go in somewhere.  I will let it vibrate for family emergency, but never an audible ring.


I am totally with you.

Jun 18, 2010 12:22 PM
Lisa Heindel
Crescent City Living LLC - New Orleans, LA
New Orleans Real Estate Broker

I am practically tethered to my phone, but there are times when turning it off or to silent is the right thing to do.  If I'm with a client, I leave it in the chance of answering if I can't hear it.  Same thing for office meetings...I leave it on vibrate and on my desk instead of bringing it into the meeting with me.  There is nothing more annoying to me than to have someone answer their phone in the middle of a conversation with me and proceed to carry on an entire conversation while making me wait.  Rude and unprofessional.

Jun 18, 2010 03:12 PM
Kristen Wheatley
Better Homes & Gardens | The Masiello Group - Brunswick, ME
Supporting Success - Best Job in the World!

Wow!  Sounds like it is time to up the fine for phones ringing during meetings.  We have a great team spirit here and I can honestly report that in 4 years, only one cell phone has rung during our meetings.  We have a $20 fine for your phone ringing and $50 if you answer it.  We are reminded at the beginning of every meeting.  And that one time, the phone rang, it was answered, but all was forgiven since the agent was waiting for an important call regarding a health update of a family member.

Jun 18, 2010 04:38 PM
Michael J. Perry
Fathom Realty - Lancaster, PA
Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist

I can relate to this post !!!! Thanks for reminding us about maintaining professionalism !!!!!!!!

Jun 18, 2010 11:47 PM
Karen Feltman
Cedar Rapids/Iowa City, IA KW Legacy Group - Cedar Rapids, IA
Relocation Specialist in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Congratulations on the feature!  This is a great reminder to everyone.  Even when you think no one is watching, they are!  Your current clients are your best sources of referrals.  If they feel like you are totally there for them, it will show and you will get referrals for your next client before the transaction is completed!  Great observation that there are many that abuse their "power" of being connected.  I simply leave my phone in the car during appointments and I constantly change my voicemail message to state when I will be available to return messages.  So much more professional. 

Keep smiling,


Jun 19, 2010 08:55 AM
Shawn Olson
Gateway Funding Diversified Mortgage Services - Inver Grove Heights, MN

Being in the mortgage industry for over 20 years, I still like face to face transactions the best.  This also makes the job more fun.   Technology makes people lazy most of the time.  Are they really helping us communicate better?

Shawn Olson


Jul 07, 2010 12:47 PM