In this day and age of cell phones, smart phones, smart pads, Ipads, etc., we as Realtors have had to rethink how we do business. We now have the tools to be accessible at all times and do our work from pretty much anywhere. Work from home, on vacation, or at the cabin.
But I've started to notice a disturbing trend in my office here in Minnesota. Many of the agents in my office have become so dependent on this technology that they have become slaves to it. It used to be when someones cell phone rang in a team meeting you were expected to pay $5.00 to the office kitty because you were expected to either leave the phone in your office or turn it off. Now a meeting can't go 5 minutes without someones phone ringing for either a phone call, text or email notification. Now this is accentuated by the fact that most of the agent then have the audacity to answer it or check and respond to an email right in the middle of the meeting!
A wise Realtor first told me when I got into the business, "Where ever you are, be there". I didn't quite understand at first but it has become abuntantly clear to me now. It is highly unlikely that something so important is happening in that 1 hour span, that you can't leave your phone unanswered. It's unprofessional and quite rude to whoever is presenting or speaking. Of course try and get that message across to a group of starving Realtors in one of the worst economic environments!