I have to say I am SSSSOOOOOO excited!
My Boys, the New England Patriots, are playing tonight in their first Pre-Season game!! Oh, Boy!!
I adore football and wait the long spring and summer for it to come back.
In my house, football is a true event. Depending on the time of the game, our day is arranged to watch and eat!
If the Patriots are in New Orleans, it's gumbo on the menu, if they're playing in Texas, my husbands' award winning chili! Home games are the best, homemade chowder and if sales have been good that week, Lobster!
You may start to think the only reason I enjoy football is the food... well, not completely! I think football is an artful sport that requires great physical prowess. The ability to call the plays, change them on a dime and out run the defender is very exciting. I have a bad habit of yelling at the TV when we watch. I can't help it. If the running back would try to keep going and not lay down!!! How much is he getting paid??? RUN!!!!
Maybe that's why my husband is so dedicated to fixing fun meals to go with the game. He's too embarrassed to take me to a sports bar or a friends home to watch!
Now, if I have to work, all is not lost! I can hear the games on the radio. The gentlemen who telecast for the Patriots have teamed together for 23 years. They meld together like butter, call the plays and leave me with a visual that is outstanding. Gino Cappelletti and Gil Santos are the voices of the Pat's and quite often the voice even when we are home with FOX or ABC or Madden whoever is calling the plays. There is nothing like a team fan that knows every inch, the ins and outs, to deliver the right tone and always get the players name right! There is nothing worse than listening to national sports commentators that change like the wind with every play. "The Pats look great! With plays like that they'll win easily!" ...
next play.... "The Pat's are playing terribly, Brady needs to get his act together if he's to have a successful season."
Well, which is it?
So here's to a great football season.... GO Pat's!! And, here's to keeping it local, with the people that know the team and can get the job done!