

Real Estate Agent with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Metro Brokers

Recently I had a client who fired me and hired another agent. My initial reaction was hurt and wondering why?  I didn't believe I had done anything wrong.  I thought I was the best agent I could be.  I continued working my business but I continued to ask myself why.  I decided to survey my ex-client to find out the reason why they chose to fire me and hire another agent.  The answer I was given was shocking.  They told me that I was not customer-focused and that I was not attentive to their needs.  They said the other agent was more attentive and focused on their needs.  I on the other had thought I was the most customer-focused agent on the planet.  Well, apparently not.  I was not as customer-focused as I thought I was or as I needed to be for this client.  Maybe I had gotten a little comfortable with my business that I was blind to their particular needs.  Remember, each client is different and one client's need may not be the need of another. The outcome has made me evaluate myself and my actions.  Whereas I assumed I was up on my game I was not.  I have decided to step up my game and take my business to another level thanks to my ex-client.  I've learned a valuable lesson to never get too comfortable in your business that you are not 100% focused on your client.

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Lori Bowers
La Quinta, CA
The Lori Bowers Group

Sonya, obviously you learned a valuable lesson here and it will benefit you in the future!  Great attitude, we only learn if we are open to change....Best of luck and may many clients appreciate you!

Jun 21, 2010 04:23 AM
Sonya Rosser
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Metro Brokers - Douglasville, GA

Lori - Yes, I sure did.  And I am very appreciative of the criticism and the feedback.  It was needed.  Thanks for your comment.

Jun 21, 2010 04:36 AM
German Panzica
Centerline Homes - Vero Beach, FL

To fail is not bad if you use it as a learning experience and improve your sef.  good luck.

Jun 21, 2010 04:44 AM
Dionne Bass
Ask The Underwriter - Atlanta, GA
Blog: Ask The Underwriter

Sonya, I'm going through the same thing right now.  I even took down two of my courses to re-write them so I can make sure I'm meeting my clients needs.  I also have accountability meetings with a friend I met on activerain 2+ years ago.  I pray that you multiply your business a hundred fold. 

Sep 04, 2010 01:59 PM
Sonya Rosser
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Metro Brokers - Douglasville, GA

Thank you D. Bass, I greatly appreciate your feedback.  I believe my business is going to multiply real soon.

Sep 04, 2010 03:26 PM