Over the past 2 weeks, I have been confronted twice by sellers who went with my buyers chimney inspection report to the township code official.
I was shocked and down right frustrated to find out that one of them contended my statements were false and the other mentioned grandfathering.
I am in a unique position. I work as a chimney inspector, but I am also a Licensed Building Inspector in NJ. I also taught the chimney portions of the code to the class I was in......after the instructor started, he looked at me and said....well....maybe you should do this.
When I approached these gentlemen about their misleading, damaging and false statements, I made sure to show them how I arrived at such code references. There were indeed both apoligetic and admitted they were wrong; but only to me.
I am a unique breed. I have a college degree but I work in an unrespected trade. I uphold the highest standard in hopes that some day the entire chimney industry will come along and play by the rules. Until then, I go to bed at night knowing that I do indeed have more knowledge on chimneys than many, if not most, code officials. That downright saddens me.
So if I am your chimney guy......the answer to the post title is YES. If I am not.....well.....there are only a couple other options who actually know the code in my trade....