My shadow is my youngest son. He is my namesake and 9year younger than his middle sibling. He is 3 1/2 and full of character. In fact, he may be an 80 year old man stuck in the body of a 3.5 yr old...He does everything I do...with full commentary. He is a constant comedian and of course smart as a whip...and very quick
After work the other night I took him to the park. He was playing and running and climbing etc when he banged his shin on one of the steps. He was between wanting to cry and to keep on playing. So I gave him the old..."shake it off kid". The next moment is one that will be burned in my soul forever. I looked up...see the kid shaking his leg frantically. I said "william, what are you doing"? "Shaking it off you said"
After a 5 minute bout of uncontrollable day was totally complete.