
Investors: Jump on the “Green” Bandwagon

Education & Training with Invesdoor Corp.

For a while now you have been hearing about everything “green.” This is the new buzz word for the decade to come. Of course, “green” refers to anything that, in a very broad sense, is environmentally friendly. So, whether you are a real estate investment expert or just launching your “real estate investing for beginners” venture or you are a real estate investment expert, how can you utilize the “green” trend? Better yet, how can moving with this trend prove profitable for your real estate home business?

The answer is to do “green-habbing.” Yes. There are a variety of rebates, tax incentives and credits for those who rehab their investment properties in this manner. While it is usually more expensive to purchase “green” materials, in the long run it will be cheaper because of the many government programs designed to attract environmentally friendly projects. In my opinion, if you don’t mind dealing with the pace of government agencies, you can effectively profit from such an approach.

No doubt the utility bills will end up less for the end user and the indoor air quality will be less toxic than in recent traditional rehabs. For these reasons it is clearly the socially responsible thing to do with real estate investment properties.

So, what kind of methods do I advocate in my real estate mentoring program? First, commit to the learning process and profitability will follow. Secondly, for those who know their buyers/end users, it is advantageous to use this option as a selling point. Third, look for rebates on everything you need to purchase for your rehabs.

Every day more and more suppliers and contractors are opening up to the concept. Before your next project, do a little research to see the viability of building your own “green team” of suppliers and trades people. I feel that those real estate investors who take the initiative now will have some unique opportunities as we move into the next decade.

Track your results. Some things work very well while others, you may not wish to offer in the future. See what sells and what doesn’t. Certain communities are more in tune with the “green” mindset. If you have one of these communities in your area, strongly consider “green-habbing.” It could be one of the more lucrative decisions you make this year.

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Dawnita Griffith
Meadow Lake Real Estate, LLC - Pinedale, WY
It does matter who you hire.

Glad to see this post.  I keep planning to start a blog on my office going more green.  One of the most important things for us a world to put on the "must do list".

Jun 23, 2010 09:36 AM