Baltimore County Rental Registration & Inspection Information If you own /or/ manage a residential rental property in Baltimore County you must have that property inspected by a Maryland Licensed Home Inspector and registered with Baltimore County Code Enforcement. Call or Email Nikki Marlatt-Young direct for appointment set up. (410) 300-8699 Baltimore County Rental Inspection Includes: - The Rental Inspection - All Inspection paperwork that is needed to obtain a Baltimore County Renal License. - Embedded photographs that are required to be taken by a Licensed Home Inspector. (example provided below) - Discounted prices for future services when you renew your rental license in 3 years! - Multi property discounts - Flex Hours to meet your needs (including weekend hours) Call or Email Nikki Marlatt-Young direct for appointment set up. (410) 300-8699 Radon Gas Radon is an odorless, colorless, radioactive gas that is produced from the decay of radium in soil, and can leak into basements. In sufficient concentrations over an extended period of time, the radioactive aspect of the gas could be dangerous to human health. Like Most counties in Maryland, Baltimore County is rated as a HIGH Radon potential area according to the EPA maps. Baltimore County Rental Registration FAQ Q. How do I register my property? A. You need to have the property inspected by a Maryland State Licensed Home Inspector who must be licensed w/ the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulations. The MD Home Inspector must sign and date paper work as well as provide the embedded photographs of the front & back of the property. *After Inspection is completed you must then forward the following to Balt. County Code Enforcement: -Rental Application -Carbon Monoxide Alarm Verification -Applicable lead inspection certificate -Inspection Evaluation Sheet & Photographs (Completed by licensed home inspector) -Application fee with payment coupon Note: • Original signatures must be in Blue Ink. • Upon review & approval, the Bureau of Code Enforcement will register the property & send you the license. • You must renew every 3 years and you must have the property re-inspected upon renewal. Carbon Monoxide Alarm Law - INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: ■Alarms are to be installed in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications for dwellings that contain one or more of the following: fuel burning equipment, attached garage, wood burning fireplace/pellet stove. ■ Supply and install 1 or more Carbon Monoxide alarms in the common area outside of each sleeping area. (The alarm must carry the listing of a nationally recognized testing laboratory approved by the State of MD.) ■Provide written information on alarm testing and maintenance to at least one adult occupant of the housing unit, and maintain a signed acknowledgement by this adult that the information was received. ■Provide an alarm designed to alert hearing-impaired residents if an individual who is hearing-impaired occupies the housing unit and an occupant has requested the installation of the alarm by certified mail. ■Owners must comply by October 13, 2010 with the legislation, and will be required to certify to the Director of Permits and Development Management that the units are in compliance. Forms are available on the website at under Rental Registration. ■By state law, all dwellings built after January 1, 2008 must contain hardwired carbon monoxide alarms. Under county law rental dwellings built prior to January 1, 2008, may have the alarm wired into an AC power line with a secondary battery backup, or plugged into an electrical outlet not controlled by a switch, with secondary backup, or battery powered.