
Short Sale Homes in Yorktown, Westchester County, NY

Real Estate Agent with Better Homes & Gardens Rand Realty

Short Sale Homes in Yorktown, Westchester County, NY have

Short Sale Homes in Yorktown, NY

increased significantly from 2009. While there was 1 Short Sale in Yorktown, NY recorded in all of 2009 there have been 5 recorded Short Sales in the first six months of 2010. There are currently 14 Active Short Sale listings in Yorktown. Note their locations throughout the town.







 Noreen and Wayne, Yorktown, Westchester County, NY

If you would like to receive detailed information on available Short Sale or REO Homes in Yorktown, Westchester County, NY before they are gone, Call Us or Click on our photo to contact us:




Are Short Sale homes in Yorktown, NY are good value? I looked at both Active and Solds for REO or Bank Owned Homes along with Short Sale Homes in Yorktown, NY to answer this question. Here's that information:

Short Sale Homes and REO Sales in Yorktown, NY         

The volume of Short Sale and REO sold homes in Yorktown, NY has increased from 2.8% of the sold homes in 2009 to 14.7% of the sold homes in 2010 and we’re only half way through 2010.

The average sale price as well as the price per square foot for Regular Sales, Short Sales and REO Sales in Yorktown has decreased for each of these categories when compared to the 2009 sales activity.

 Short Sale Homes in Yorktown, NY have decreased 6.3% per square foot while regular home sales only decreased 2.8%.

  The next question is will this trend continue? Here’s the current data:

Short Sale Homes In Yorktown, NY

There is an Active Inventory of 221 homes in Yorktown, NY and sales average about 10 a month. This is a 22 month supply of inventory.

Almost 7% of the active inventory is Short Sale homes in Yorktown, NY.

I have to conclude that these two issues will very likely keep prices down and offer good values to Buyers looking for Short Sale Homes in Yorktown, NY.

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