Take Control Of The Conversation - This should be a KEY tool for any successful Real Estate Agent or Mortgage Broker. As we all know, we are in a SALES business and conversation is an important part of this. There is a sacred formula that, if followed, should increase your sales and production output. I will keep it very simple or rather EASY!
E - Start the conversation off with some form of EXCITEMENT
A- ASK or repeat the clients goals or objectives
S- SILENCE. Listen to your client and have them talk to you in detail of what they would like to accomplish
Y- YES! Keep the Excitement going by repeating their desires and assuring them you understand. Then say"So, If I am able to provide ("their desires") to you, you be ready to sign/go with me/my company? Correct"
Asking for the commitment and controlling the conversation is the KEY to your success! "To acheive the results you never had, you MUST be willing to do things you never done!"