Here are some statistics for home sales for the month of May 2010 in Vancouver, WA. This actually includeds all of Clark County, WA. (The majority of population in Clark County is in Vancouver, WA.)
SALES # sold Median Price Average Price
- 2 bedroom homes 42 $137,000 $147,147
- 3 bedroom homes 313 $189,900 $206,306
- 4 bedroom homes 166 $259.950 $300,953
The difference between median price and average price is that to obtain an average price you add up the total price amounts and divide by the number of units, and that gives you the average price. The median price simply means that for the rest of the houses, one half sold for more than that and one half sold for less than that amount.
When calculating the price for which a house should be listed or purchased for, realtors usually use the average price. As you eliminate the highest and lowest prices in the group, it increases the accuracy of the average price and gives the buyer and seller the most realistic price.
On the other hand a median price is a better indicator of the demagraphics of an area if there are large discrepincies in pricing. As you can see by the above table the average price is usually a little higher. Again, as you eliminate the higher and lower extremes of a certain targeted house, the priceing becomes increasingly more indicitve of the value of that paticular property.
There were 3,416 active listings in the month of May, the median price of which was $239,900 and the average price was $303,628. Again these are listed prices, not sold prices.
If you are interested in buying or selling a home in Vancouver, WA or anywhere in Clark County, Wa please let me know and I will be happy to provide information specific to your needs.
Thank you.
For more information about homes for sale in Vancouver, WA please visit my webste at the link below.
3+ bedroom homes for sale in the Vancouver, WA area.
Contact Don humphrey with Coldwell Banker
Buyer's reports and information for Vancouver WA.