
Look at that: the homes Russians build now

Services for Real Estate Pros with, English-Russian Translation & Russian Internet Marketing ATA Member, Amazon Author

According to

Here are some photos of a recently completed private home near St. Petersburg.

The modern Russian architect Igor Gremitski followed an example of one of

the palaces of Catherine the Great (Russian Barocco style) for his client




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German Panzica
Centerline Homes - Vero Beach, FL

Everything looks over the top.  I'm sure it's worth $20 million +.  Do you know the actual cost of it?

Jun 27, 2010 03:40 AM
Joan Cox
House to Home, Inc. - Denver Real Estate - 720-231-6373 - Denver, CO
Denver Real Estate - Selling One Home at a Time

This is beautiful --- so elegant, fit for a king or queen!

Jun 27, 2010 04:08 AM
Olga Kellen, English-Russian Translation & Russian Internet Marketing - Hallandale, FL
Author of Amazon E-Series "Selling to Foreigners"

to German: agree - this new Russian client wants to feel as Tsar, this is not a home to live in, it's a display... I don't know the cost, but my guess would be that it's much much more than $20 million... As the magazine informs the building is 23 000 sq. f., 19 variuos types of decorative stones were used and the architect went to Italy to hand pick the stones personally, etc. etc.

Jun 27, 2010 04:15 AM
Olga Kellen, English-Russian Translation & Russian Internet Marketing - Hallandale, FL
Author of Amazon E-Series "Selling to Foreigners"

to Joan: exactly, that was the idea of the client I believe - to feel as Tsar (a Russian name for a King)

Jun 27, 2010 04:18 AM