One thing about a blog is that it stays out there in internet land for a long long time. We may forget it but someone else is finding it and finding it interesting. Such is the case with my Beebe Arkansas depot blog. I just received this inquiry.
Dear Barbara,
I just recently purchased an old desk from the flea market that now occupies the Beebe Depot. They told me this desk came with the depot. They had no idea how long it had been there but I did do some research on the company that made it and they had been in business since 1886. My question to you is the age of the depot? I was wondering if this might have been some of their business furniture. The desk is very big and we had to take it out the sliding door and down the ramp outside. It took 4 people to lift it. I was just wondering if anyone knew the history of this desk. Thank you for you time.
I asked her for a picture of the desk and told her some of my railroad expert friends might know the answer to her question.
Here's the desk. And her final response was this.
This is a pic of the desk. I found by the brass plate that this model was built between 1900 and 1937 because the name of the co. changed. I really was just wondering about the history of it. Also, how long has the depot been there in Beebe? Thank you,
So if any of you railroad experts know the answer to her question, she'd love hearing from you. It's good to know that another old piece of furniture has become a treasure! And to see a lovely depot go review my blog as hyperlinked above.