Listing...Listening Presentations
As an agent in the Fort Myers Real Estate Market I meet with tons of sellers. Sometimes I am competing for their listing with other agents. I often wonder why they choose me to sell their home. I know the obvious. I have experience, a great listing presentation, quality charts and graphs. I know the Lee County Real Estate market. But aren't the other Real Estate Agents showing them similar presentations? Don't they have access to the same MLS information? I wanted to think it was just because I was better looking that the sellers chose to go with me to sell their home...but I know that is not the case.
I asked one of my sellers recently after we had built quite a bit of raport why he went with me over the other agents he had spoken with. He told me it was because during the presentation I did more listening than I did presenting. I asked questions. I found out what their motivation for selling was. The seller was impressed that I included them in the process and tried to get to know them. He said that other agents just came in with a fancy presentation and told them how they are Super Agent, blah, blah, blah. I was the only one who really sat down with them to develop a plan to accomplish their goals.
Someone once told me that you can't learn with your mouth open. Make sure you are doing at least as much listening as you are talking the next time you are on a listing appointment.