That's Steve, Scotty and Tom getting ready to throw some shoes with me.
I just finished my bike ride and decided to throw some practice shoes when the "Horseshoe Kings" wanted to play a game. I found my range tonight and Scotty and I won after a see-saw battle :-). Good times, good people, what more can you ask for?
Cocoa Beach has such an eclectic mix of people that all seem to get along simply because they are "Beach People". Home prices are excellent right now and it's a great time to be a buyer!!
Want to get away from it all?
Contact me to learn how you can start enjoying the good life here on the Space Coast. Talk to the BEACH EXPERT! Go to: to find many great links that provide you with all the information you need about Brevard County, Florida.
These photos are copyright (c), all rights reserved and may not be used or reproduced without permission from John Mayer. Permission can granted with a link back to my website and / or blog, providing the site is appropriate for everyone. Photographs are a great way to share the world. Thank you for viewing.