A true story, but not a religious one... just read it. You'll be glad you did.
A group of ministers-to-be students at ministerial school had been studying together as a group for over a year. They’d really gotten to know each other and shared their inspirations, as well as their challenges with each other freely. One of the group had a certain crisis come up in her life and was sharing with another of the students about her upset, confusion, disappointment, resentment, and so on. The friend listened patiently for an hour of ranting, crying and general despair…. And finally said gently: Susan… Have you prayed about it?
There was silence for half a second followed by absolute outrage… How dare you ask me that! Of course I’m praying about it… I’m praying all the time! What do you think we’re doing here at this school? She then turned on her heel and stomped off.
The next day, Susan approached the friend and apologized. I was SO offended by your question yesterday, but when I got back to my room and finished crying and being outraged, I realized the reason I was so mad…. The fact is, that I hadn’t prayed. So I did…. for the first time during this entire crisis, I really did pray. And today, everything looks entirely differently. Thank you.
Sometimes we know what to do... we may even be studying it, yet we just don’t put it into action.
The following is a checklist of basic tools you need to have and master to become the best agent you can be and maximize your sales…. No matter what level you are at, it's incredibly important to go back to the basics and make sure we’re doing those things we KNOW to do, but may not be actually doing.
I recommend that you grade yourself from A to F on how well you are doing on each item. Then, work with your Coach or Mentor so you can build on the strengths (the fastest way to more income) and identify which weakness you want to work on next.
1. Real Estate license and Continuing Education Plan (do you take whatever is available the week before your license will expire, or do you plan the best education you can)
2. Learn and master all necessary forms & contracts for your Company, MLS and State (purchase contract, listing contract, addenda, etc.)
3. Create a network of affiliates and vendors you can LEARN from and COUNT on
4. Create a defined Target Market (price, area, demographic, etc.)
5. Learn your MLS features backwards and forwards. Master it and use the tools.
6. Create a Schedule and realize it’s version 1.0… (plan 50-80 hrs a week to start, or re-start, your business)
7. Lead Generation system and plan. (scripts, closes, etc)
8. Identify your Sources of Business (you should have 3 as a minimum)
9. Database System – critical to every successful agent (is it organized? do you use it?)
10. Pre-qualification System (to avoid useless appointments)
11. Lead Follow-Up System (absolutely the most critical item for most agents is improvement in this area)
12. Minimum Standards – in writing
13. Outreach/Validation System (website, FB, LI, Blog, Newsletters, etc)
14. PC/COI system (including educating and asking for referrals)
15. Market Study System (previewing, charts, graphs)
16. Seller Lead Questionnaire Form (determines if they are serious)
17. Professional Listing Presentation
18. Listing Checklist to follow during the listing period
19. Buyer Lead Questionnaire Form (determines if they are serious)
20. Buyer Presentation (yes, you need one)
21. Escrow/Closing Checklist and After Closing Checklist
22. Business Plan and Goal Setting (Know Your Numbers)
23. Next step Business Plan – complete with job descriptions (assistant, BA, etc)
24. Daily and Weekly agendas including daily to-do’s and weekly Review of 4 things: Listings, Pendings, Hot Leads, Offers – Plus asking: What did we do right? What needs Improvement?
25. Customer Service Plan, annually monitored for needed upgrades
For more information or questions, contact Donna Stott at dstott@qtscoaching.com or use the Contact Us button at http://www.quantumtrainingsystems.com