I have been reading so many great blogs about real estate, mortgages, certain stories in regards to these topics, etc etc.... Even Broker Bryant and the Lovely Wife seem to throw in some blogs with humor in them. So I wanted to change this up a little.
I wasn't much of a history buff in High School and not as much as I should have been in College. But I love watching the history channel now and sometimes Discovery Channel. I thought I would start a blog based on Famous Quotes. I would love to read some of your favorites and possibly learn something new. And I even take some of these quotes and implement them into my daily life and within work and my business plan.
Here are two that I like out of hundreds..... and I am tired....so hopefully I can think of the others that I like later....
"If I am through learning, I am through." - John Wooden
"Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." John Wooden
For some of you, I love College basketball. And I am a big University of Lousiville Cardinal's basketball fan. Denny Crum who was their head coach from the late 70's to early 90's was an assistant with John Wooden at UCLA. Just an FYI.
Okay, I lied. Here is another one.
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." Albert Einstein
Let's have some fun and possibly learn something. Or even make up your own quote.