
Famous Quotes from famous people......

Mortgage and Lending with Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc

I have been reading so many great blogs about real estate, mortgages, certain stories in regards to these topics, etc etc....  Even Broker Bryant and the Lovely Wife seem to throw in some blogs with humor in them. So I wanted to change this up a little.

I wasn't much of a history buff in High School and not as much as I should have been in College. But I love watching the history channel now and sometimes Discovery Channel. I thought I would start a blog based on Famous Quotes. I would love to read some of your favorites and possibly learn something new. And I even take some of these quotes and implement them into my daily life and within work and my business plan.

Here are two that I like out of hundreds..... and I am hopefully I can think of the others that I like later....

John Wooden


"If I am through learning, I am through." - John Wooden


"Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." John Wooden


For some of you, I love College basketball. And I am a big University of Lousiville Cardinal's basketball fan. Denny Crum who was their head coach from the late 70's to early 90's was an assistant with John Wooden at UCLA. Just an FYI.




Okay, I lied. Here is another one.

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." Albert Einstein


    Let's have some fun and possibly learn something. Or even make up your own quote.

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Copyright © 2011 by Jeff Belonger of Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc

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Rich Jacobson
Fathom Realty West Sound - Poulsbo, WA
Your Kitsap County WA Real Estate Broker

"One man's trash is another man's treasure."

"The more hooks you put into the water, the greater your chances of catching the fish!"

Nov 06, 2006 06:30 AM
Robert D. Ashby
Cruise Planners of South Florida - Plantation, FL
Providing Personalized Travel

I don't remember who posted the quote from Andrew Jackson, but I am related to him and I want royalties.

Just kidding about the royalties, but I have been told my family tree goes back to him.

Nov 07, 2006 02:48 PM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans

Rich.... I like that.... thanks. Actually, I really like the 2nd one. It has a lot of merit to it...

Robert...... that's cool..... wow, there is some history there. Do you own a horse and a sword?   lol   <teasing>

Nov 07, 2006 02:52 PM
Eddy Martinez
Nationwide Funding Group - Highland Park, CA

"The years teach much which the days never knew". ---
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nov 20, 2006 06:22 AM
Rita Taylor
None - Sanford, NC
Sanford NC Real Estate - Homes for Sale in Sanford North Carolina

Golf is a good walk ruined

Mark Twain

Mar 18, 2007 05:27 PM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans

Rita... thanks for sharing that one....


here are a few more....

"If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me." ---Unknown

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first." - Mark Twain

"We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." ---Sam Keen

"Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand." ---Woody Allen

Mar 19, 2007 03:24 AM
David A. Podgursky PA
THE PODGURSKY GROUP @ Re/Max Direct - Boynton Beach, FL
THE PODGURSKY GROUP - Make the Right Move!

Man it feels good to be a Gangsta... Snoop Dogg

Mar 19, 2007 04:48 AM
Brian Papaccio
Wells Fargo Home Loans - Newark, DE

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." --Thomas A. Edison

My philosophy with any customer is the "anti- bait and switch".  "I like to under promise and over deliver, that way you are always pleasntly surprised and happy with the results" - me

If anyone is interested, on my website's home page, I have a quote that is updated daily.  If you want something inspiring or just something to think about each morning, check it out:

Mar 19, 2007 06:42 AM
Eddy Martinez
Nationwide Funding Group - Highland Park, CA

Allen Iverson.... "Practice? We are talking about Practice!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Mar 19, 2007 06:55 AM
Tonisha Mitchell
Dollar Mortgage and Financial - Ocean Springs, MS
Eddy...I love yours!!!
Mar 20, 2007 12:32 AM
Eddy Martinez
Nationwide Funding Group - Highland Park, CA

Thanks Tonisha Iverson does have a point though. He is a gamer and plays well in games all of the time. Him missing one game of practice was blown up by the media


Mar 20, 2007 07:56 AM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans

Eddy.. I thought it was funny... but living in  the Philly area and region....  he just didn't miss one. He missed more than a few... and he gave lip about it also. Hey, basketball is a team sport, the last time I checked....  you need to practice as a team. Gee, I don't see Shaq, Kobey Bryant, and so many others that are better than good, not practice and complain... me, me me.....

I love the quote, but the media didn't blow it out of proportion. The problem here, he brought it on himself. Just my opinion.... 

Mar 20, 2007 08:06 AM
Ryan Allie
Living Puget Sound - Des Moines, WA
Creating Your Puget Sound Lifestyle
As long as you're green, you're growing. As soon as you're ripe, you start to rot.
Ray Kroc
Mar 20, 2007 07:18 PM
Eddy Martinez
Nationwide Funding Group - Highland Park, CA

Well Iverson is out of Philly and he hasnt had any more outbursts since then.

The media said that he asked to be traded but what happened was that he didnt say anything


Mar 21, 2007 07:34 AM
Rob Robinson- Lehigh Valley PA
Bertrum Settlements (Title & Abstract) - Allentown, PA

George C. Scott:


"I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." - General Patton

Mar 23, 2007 02:06 PM
Eddy Martinez
Nationwide Funding Group - Highland Park, CA

Thats a good one Rob my favorite is, "A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. "
- Henry Ford


Mar 24, 2007 09:38 AM
Every battle is won before it is ever fought - Sun-Tzu 'The Art of War'
Apr 23, 2007 08:34 PM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans

Ryan..... I never heard that one before.... thanks for sharing it....

Eddy...... He looked good the other night.  30 points in the playoffs

Rob...... he was a hot head and pushed the envelope many of times. But he won some big battles.

Eddy....    that's a great one.

Shaiban.....  not sure if I agree with this one. Sure, you need to be positive. But is it that easy?

Apr 24, 2007 04:22 AM
Jason Sardi
Auto & Home & Life Insurance throughout North Carolina - Charlotte, NC
Your Agent for Life

Ripe & Ready, Fast & Heady, He Ran For His Life....Yet Life Had Moved On.

Gunther Moses

Jul 01, 2007 12:14 AM
Dave Rosenmarkle
Highland Realty, Inc - Fairfax, VA
33 years of providing fully satisfying service!
Those who do not forgive history are assigned to repeat it until compassion replaces judgment.

     -- Alan Cohen
Jul 02, 2007 10:02 PM