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This is such a great value!! Very spacious and open. 4 bedrooms, 1 bath, diningroom, huge familyroom, and a newer kitchen too! This has great entertaining and living space. Extra large back yard with built-in pool and nice size storage shed and play area. Situated on a cul-de-sac in quiet neighborhood. |
TaxYr: | 2009 | LandAsmt: | 100,000 | NewCnstr: | N | DeedRestr: | |
Taxes: | $4,311 | ImprAsmt: | 146,500 | Farm: | FarmAssd: | ||
SpecAsmt: | TotAsmt: | 246,500 | AsmtStat: | Assessed |
Assoc: | N | MgmtType: | AssocMgmt: | MgmtPhone: | AppEscrowReq: | ||||
AssocFee: | $0/ | FeeIncl: | CommonEle: |
Room Type | Lvl | Dimnsns | Room Type | Lvl | Dimnsns | Room Type | Lvl | Dimnsns | #BsmtBth: | ||||
Family | 1 | 23x14 | Bedrm:Master | 1 | 12x18 | Kitchen | 1 | 12x16 | #Lvl1Bths: | 1 | |||
Living | 1 | 12x18 | Bath:Full | 1 | 5x8 | Bedroom | 1 | 10x8 | #Lvl2Bths: | ||||
Bedroom | 1 | 12x9 | Bedroom | 1 | 13x12 | #Lvl3Bths: | |||||||
Interior: | DecMold | ||||
Foy: | LR: | FLR-Wood | DR: | ||
GR/FR: | FLR-W/WCarp | Kit: | Eat-in, CtrIsld, FLR-Cer | MBR: | FLR-W/wCarp |
MBA: | Flr: | Bsmt: | Slab | ||
HVAC: | CentAir, FrcdHotAir | Fuel: | NatGas | WatHt: | Nat Gas |
Exterior: | Sprnkler | ||||
Gar: | Attached | Park: | Asphalt | Roof: | Timberli |
Lot: | Pool: | Y:InGroun | Bldg: | Storage | |
Siding: | Vinyl | WtSw: | PublAic Sewer, Public Water | ||
Included: | |||||
Excluded: | PERSONAL ITEMS. |