
Madison Green Realtor Tries Car Sharing

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams

My previous blog, Divorce Your Car, was about Brent (partner on my team) giving up the use of his BMW.  The car has been officially sold.  Brent isn't really car-less, he is using Community Car. Sometimes a person just gets lucky as in this case.  Community Car held a huge divorce party and it received great media attention.

The local media has been intrigued by this idea.  A reporter from the WI State Journal spoke shortly with all the people divorcing their cars.  Brent's career made his situation unique.  The reporter decided to dig deeper.  Friends and family were interviewed.

They called us three days before the article was to come out.  I was a bit nervous-they could play this up however they wanted.  I was expecting a paragraph or two about the crazy green real estate agent.  The morning it ran, I headed out to get a paper.  On my way another KW agent called saying they saw the great article.  I was so excited, I am surprised I didn't get a speeding ticket on my way! 

I nearly fainted when I picked up the paper.  Front page news, above the fold!

"Adventures In Car Sharing: A real estate agent divorces his BMW and uses a service that leaves cars around town for members to drive.  It's not always easy."  You can read the WI State Journal Article. The original story included three large photos as well.

We have already had a couple people email us that they would use our services the next time they moved.  Most importantly, they spelled our names right and mentioned KW a couple times as well.  This will make our marketing easy as well, people now know us as that agent in the paper with no car.

 If you know of any environmentalists that need an agent in the Madison area, send them our way!                               Enlightening Real Estate Group.

Posted by

Jenny Persha

c: 608-347-5954

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Jason Ganz
Great post! I am gonna share it with my own blog readers at ! Thanks.
Aug 22, 2007 09:10 AM
Dru Bloomfield
The Penrose Team - Scottsdale, AZ
Scottsdale AZ Real Estate


I found your post from a Zillow blog.  How's the car sharing working with several more months of experience?

Jan 18, 2008 08:48 PM
Mary McGraw
GLREA - Rockford, MI
2015: Solar Energy Is Still A Simple Machine!
Hi Jenny, I am with Dru! Update and share the positives and negatives with us!
Jan 19, 2008 01:19 AM
Steve Shatsky
Dallas, TX
GREAT STORY!!!  This is leadership by example at it's best! 
Jan 19, 2008 03:04 AM
Find a Notary Public needAnotary
QEC Internet Services - Long Beach, CA
Interesting experiment!  How is Brett income impacted by this decision?
Mar 23, 2008 10:36 AM