Who's on your team when selling your home? Remember that the three critical aspects in real estate are location, condition and price? If it is important that you get the price you desire out of your home with the quickest sale, the trick is to professionally stage your home. Why is this important?
Professional stagers are on your side! Their job is to create a positive emotional reaction with the potential buyers. This will create a buzz about your home and will lead to increased showings. Agents and buyers will be excited about a home that shows well and is "move in ready." This leads to higher offers with less time and carrying costs for sellers.
So when should you have your home staged? You have three choices:
- Before the property is listed. Get your home in its best shape and prepared to capture the buyer at the first impression. You only get one chance! Let the unstaged homes sell yours....
- When the house is on the market and not getting the results you desire. A professional will meet with you and create an action plan to correct any issues that are deflecting the buyer's interest.
- When the property is vacant. If you have "moved on" and need to sell a vacant property-it is critical to stage the home. Vacant properties feel cold and uninviting. Buyers have a difficult time imagining themselves living there. You want them to feel like they can walk in, sit down and stay.
Proactive sellers take control rather than waiting for the market to come to them....Hire a