There is another round of negative news circulating again about how bad things are in housing, jobs, etc...
This is nothing new this year or even for last year as less than positive news sells more and gets more attention. For those reasons alone, I rarely read newspapers or watch tv news.
I did read a great article recently about the Dalai Lama turning 75. In the interview with him he was asked about all the "bad" things going on in the world and what his take was on them. He actually said that he thought the world was more positive and improving. I have not read any of his books so I was amazed with his response. If the Dalai Lama feels that way, then maybe there is hope for all the naysayers in the US right now.
It does come back to how you see your local and your world views of everything. From there you choose how to see your life and business which in turn affects your success. For all of us Realtors, why wouldn't you always choose to focus on the opportunities? To me that is the wise choice.