Everyone who knows me will verify that I am a huge fan of the Beatles. In today's USA Today is a reprint of a column from The New York Times, written by Eduardo Porter. What he wrote really hit home with me, and, in a way, helps explain me to people who don't really understand why I have the photos from the White Album on my wall.
"Ringo Starr turned 70 on Wednesday. It feels as though youth itself is now 70 years old. ... When Ringo was born, the median life expectancy in the US was only 63. ... Maybe the famously self-centered Boomer generation into which the Beatles poured their music never grew up. Like no generation before, Boomers crafted identities out of tastes for music, dress and politics. As we moved into middle age, we brought along the Beatles and passed them on to our kids. Wherever it comes from, there is some unique quality about what the Beatles had to offer. It's not as good as eternal youth, but it is a close second. To me, their music does not sound any older than when 64 was a much longer way off. Maybe this is what we mean by timelessness. It's turning 70 while remaining 24 at the same time."
Happy Birthday, Ringo. See you Sunday.