
How do you know when enough is enough?

Real Estate Agent with Exit Creative Reaty

We don't quit. We never do. Well maybe once, rarely. not this time, Never. You be the judge. We were referred to a short sale listing. It was a nice home. 3/2/2 + pool in decent shape. We priced it and found our own buyer who fell in love immediately, wrote an offer, and canceled it within 24 hours. They explained they would buy it when they came back in 3 months. No Probelm for us. We didn't burn any bridges with them' 

Kitchen before termites were foundAssesing the extent of thedamage  

We had a call from another couple that had peeked in the windows and then left for PA. They kept our phone number from the yard sign, called to find out the price and told us if the buyers backed out, call them back. We did and they had been approved by the VA and made an offer. Our seller signed the contract and we sent it to the lender.

At the inspection, prior to closing it was determined there was a termite infestation. It prevented our buyers from buying ecause the VA insists on everything being fixed before closing. our lender wouldn't pay for the damage repair and so our buyers backed out. No problem

We called back the previous buyers and told them they might be able to buy the home at a better price than before. We met them at the property with the termite inspector and the general contractor we work with. Between the two of them they assessed the damage and gave an estimate to repair it on the spot. our first buyer made an offer of initial price -damage estimate- "fear factor number. I thought he was nuts but our seller signed it and the lender turned it down. We didn't quit at that point.

This was our first experience with termites and wood frame houses. We checked and found the average sale price/sqft of wood frame houses vs concrete block houses was substantial. We applied our figures to the subject property and the lender agreed with us and ok'd the purchase. We have a happy buyer. We took care of the seller's desire to get out from under by doing a short sale. Our contractor has a nice job. Our termite inspector gets to do his thing and after all is said and done, we must have made damn near $3/hr. However the good thing for us is "it's not about the money" We really do like helping people and we learned a lot about wood frame houses and termites.

Our business continues to grow. We are learning a lot. We genuinely like helping people and we are grateful for the opportunity. We love our business. For us maybe the answer to our question is Never. Well maybe rarely. Once in a while. Occassionally, but not often.

Thank you in advance for your interest.

Kieran and Cecelia

Exit Platinum Realty 

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Kieran and Cecelia Loughman
Exit Creative Reaty - North Port, FL

Hi kieran and Cecelia!
We think you are great

Kieran and Cecelia

Jul 15, 2010 12:23 PM
Tish Lloyd
BlueCoast Realty Corporation - Wilmington, NC
Broker - Wilmington NC and Surrounding Beaches

Look at that, you have your own cheering section! Wow!

Sounds like you really went the extra mile -- kudos!

Jul 15, 2010 12:44 PM
Shelley Rowton
Move To Realty - Austin, TX
ABR, RSPS - (512) 507-5779 MoveToRealty of Austin

These kinds of transactions can sap your energy, but there is a certain sense of accomplishment when you finally "WIN"!

Jul 15, 2010 01:42 PM
Robert L. Brown - Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Real Estate Bellabay Realty, West Mic

Think of the possible referrals from the buyer and the seller. Focus on that as well.

Jul 18, 2010 08:42 AM
Pamela Jenkins
Realty Ink Marketing - International, IT

Hi Cecelia & Kieran - I am glad it isn't about the instant gratification of money but long term connections. I agree with Robert you will get more business in the long run from all parties involved. Even the termite guy, he might mention how great your deal came out to a potential seller or buyer. Referrals come from many unexpected places. Great article thank you for sharing and the inspiration of never, hardly ever giving up!

Aug 12, 2010 07:43 AM