
Dallas and the Superbowl!

Real Estate Agent with Ebby Halliday

It is so exciting for Dallas to finally get the superbowl at the new Cowboy's statuim.  It is something that this city has waiting far to long for, and it is our chance to shine!  In the article below in D Magazine, it mentions that this is a great opportunity to let the businesses in the area really shine.

It is the hope that the country falls in love with the Dallas area just the way that we have, and that there will be many super bowls to come in the future.  The Dallas area is already a great place to live, but exposure on this level is only going to make it more desireable.

Check out the artilce and get pumped up for the Super Bowl!  With any luck, our very own Dallas Cowboys will be playing in it!  Well...  I can dream right!

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Loreena and Michael Yeo
3:16 team REALTY ~ Locally-owned Prosper TX Real Estate Co. - Prosper, TX
Real Estate Agents

Wont it be awesome if our Boys played in our own stadium for the Superbowl? Now, we got to start praying, really really hard.

Jul 16, 2010 01:31 AM
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
REALTOR®, Broker

Will be great for the local economy.  Plenty of opportunities to volunteer and contribute to make this event a huge success.

Jul 16, 2010 02:28 AM
Bill Wilson
Paradigm AdvantEdge - Edmond, OK

I was lucky enough to win a trip to the Super Bowl in 1984 (I know, a long time ago). What a great experience. Try and go if you can.

Jul 16, 2010 02:33 AM