Here's the other side of the interest rate "coin".....Sellers need to keep in mind that when rates go up their home values go DOWN! Here's how: Let's say your home is worth $300,000 and interest rates are at 4.5%. Your potential buyers are shopping for homes in the $1520.06 mortgage payment area. When rates increase to 5.5%, that $1520 payment only buys a house worth $268,000 and when it reaches 6.5% your house will effectively be only worth $240,000! You LOOSE $60,000 in home value by not selling QUICKLY!! And it gets scarier as the rate increases....
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Photographer, Home Stager, ePRO - Richmond, VA
Chesterfield, Richmond & Powahatan
So price your home right the first time! The first offer is the best offer.
Jul 17, 2010 03:39 AM
My Florida Home Store - Clearwater, FL
Clearwater, Dunedin, Palm Harbor Real Estate Exper
The Dream Big Team at Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Champions - Riverside, CA
Homeowner Advocate, Dream Big Team, S.Calif