
Erosion Control- Good SILT Fences Make Good Neighbors

Home Inspector with Energy Pros

I was at a new construction site today as part of an Energy Star/ NC Healthy Built Home Certification Inspection, when I noticed several building sites that had erosion problems from these late afternoon downpours we have been having. Now my dad used to tell me, 'if you don't live at the top of the mountain, someone's runoff will come across your property whether you like it or not'. But that does not mean you have to put up with excessive or silt filled runoff. Make sure that your site or your neighbors site is properly protected and will contain the silt on site. Areas of runoff must be slowed or stopped so that silt will sink and collect at the bottom of the ditch or silt pond and let the clean water flow out.

There are many eco friendly erosion control options other than the standard silt fence. There are mulch sox, Biodegradeable fabric wrapped around mulch. This will slow the runoff and allow the silt to settle, and when your done just spread the mulch. There are many other options, check with your local merchants, or go to the Western North Carolina Green Building Council website for mor information and a list of merchants and contractors that can help.

Not only will your neighbors be happy, but our creeks, streams and rivers will remain clear, clean, beautiful and full of life.

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Not a real person
San Diego, CA

Out here they build culverts so that runoff from one property doesn't affect another property. However, occasionally a hillside will collapse, and at that point it doesn't matter whether you lived on top or at the bottom.

Jul 30, 2010 10:01 AM
Phillip Richardson
Energy Pros - Hendersonville, NC

I guess when that happens they all live at the bottom of the hill!

Aug 09, 2010 10:25 AM